Use This Technique To Live Your Future Life Now!

Have you heard of future life progression?

There are techniques in Hypnotherapy known as regression therapy. The Hypnotherapist will guide you into a state much like a dream state. Relaxing the physical body, quieting the conscious mind, and directing the subconscious mind to take you back to a place or time. This is often in childhood to help release blocks, forgive yourself or others, or to have a silent conversation within your mind’s eye with your past self, or another from that time in your life. I have found this to be very beneficial for myself, and my clients. 

Another regression technique is Past Life Regression (PLR). Two of the most prominent names of this therapeutic approach are psychiatrist Dr. Brian Weiss and Doloras Cannon, founder and creator of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT). In this technique the hypnotherapist gently guides you back in your mind’s eye to a past life. Which can be beneficial in many ways. 

Both Dr. Brain Weiss and Dolores Cannon have several books, if you would like to learn more. 

However, have you heard of Future Life Progression

A few quotes and sayings relating to this; If you can see it you can be it, if you can dream it you can do it. As above so below, as within so without.

“The way we experience the world around us, is a direct reflection of the world within us” – Gabrielle Bernstein

Inner Changes absolutely create outer changes. You don’t have to have the answers to how it will happen, or even know what you would like your future to be. 

With hypnotherapy we go deep within your subconscious to gently release blocks and obstacles that may be holding you back. This will open doors, and allow you to be aware of opportunities and paths you may not have noticed before. We ask your subconscious mind, your inner wisdom, to guide you towards the best path for you.  

Future Life Progression

Some steps you can take on your own right now, is to look at a photo of yourself as a child, or even a younger adult, and ask them to tell you where they see themselves in 5-10 years. Ask what their biggest dreams are. Close your eyes, or keep looking at the photo and imagine how they may have answered such a question. You may want to do this in meditation or by journaling.  So often we will get answers by just writing out a question, or a statement and then free hand, or free flow the writing (sort of an automatic writing exercise) You may be surprised at the results.

Are you interested in experiencing the Future Life Progression Hypnotherapy technique for yourself?

Then do something today, that your future self will thank you for and contact Pamela to get started on HypnoBreakthrough’s Future Life Progression program

This is a commitment to yourself and your future self. 

The Future Life Progression program consists of 3-6 sessions all together (depending on your needs and responsiveness)

In each session we will relax your physical body, quiet your conscious mind, and then clear your energy field, inside and out. In subsequent sessions, which will vary according to your needs and responses we will:

Take you to a childhood dream of yourself as an adult.

Look deep within yourself for clarity and guidance.

– Remove limiting beliefs from your past, which may have caused blocks, and obstacles deep within.

 –Take a look back, and a look ahead. 

Future Life Progression

Contact me to schedule your FREE consultation if your excited to get get started on this program! Send an email at or use the contact form on the homepage

Why Is Inner Child Work Important?

Why Is Inner Child Work Important? If you were ever a child, you could benefit from some form of inner child work.

I believe everyone could benefit from some sort of inner child work. Self love, self respect, self confidence, healthy boundaries, self care are all part of inner child work. 

During our childhood we are sponges, taking it all in, learning from the world around us. We are learning from what we see, hear and experience, not just what is intentionally taught to us. 

As adults we can logically understand some circumstances better from an adult point of view. However, we may not realize that our beliefs, values and behavior patterns acquired in childhood, might be whats holding us back from reaching our potential.

Nobody had a perfect childhood. No person is perfect, no family or parents are perfect. We’re all only human, and perfection doesn’t exist. Even well meaning, loving parents can make damaging decisions. Life happens, and even the most healthy mentally sound adults can have situations in life that affect  the children in their care. Children can also witness or be subjected to mentally confusing or damaging events that the parents may not have ever been aware of. 

This doesn’t mean they were bad parents, we’re bad parents, or that we are all doomed. 

I believe we are meant to go through some hard times, to learn and grow from them. To gain healthy coping skills, to learn to navigate life. We become empowered each time we overcome a difficult issue.

When a baby is learning to walk they fall down with each step. The little one doesn’t conclude that they will never walk, or they’re a failure. No, they just keep getting up again, and with each step they grow in their confidence. They know they’re able to take one or two steps, so next time maybe it will be three or four. They become elated and ….. fall down. But get back up, with stronger legs and with more control.

An oak tree will grow its roots further down, and its trunk becomes stronger with each storm it goes through. Those that never experience any storms will not live as long. Have you heard the analogy of a “hothouse flower”? Very delicate and may not be able to withstand very much because it has been overly protected. 

Okay enough analogies, I hear you! 

So why then, is inner child work so important, since our childhoods are in the past and we can’t change them. Or if we’re not striving for perfection? While it’s true that you cannot change your past, that was just the beginning of your story. You had no control over the first 18-20 years (or so). As an adult you now have a bit more control and can make your own decisions. 

Inner child work can be learning to let loose and allow yourself to play for the sake of fun and creative flow without expectations – without any attachment to the outcome. Just play for the sake of play, no scores, no timelines or rules. 

We may need to honor and show love to the little one inside of us. Give yourself what you needed in the past, “reparent” yourself. Make a connection and have a silent conversation in your mind’s eye. Just a few ways inner child work is carried out. 

Inner child work, Inner child healing or even just connecting with your inner self, can be beneficial in ways even unexpected. 

 Please always remember, when it comes to therapy or treatments of any kind, there is never one type that is the best fit for all. I specialize in inner child work through Hypnotherapy. Mainly from my own childhood issues, that I realized much too late had an impact on my whole life. Also realizing that many of my clients issues were rooted in childhood. 

Thank you so much for being here. I love hearing from you all. What did you think about this article? Any suggestions for future articles? Always feel free to reach out with any questions, comments or concerns, OR to schedule your free consultation to find out how Breakthrough Hypnotherapy can help you.

Please take care, inside and out. Pamela Topjian, LVN, CHt

How To Heal From Childhood Trauma

There are many ways to help you through the healing process. There is not just one way that is the best, or one way that will be helpful for all. My last article was a basic overview of Childhood Trauma.

In that article, I mentioned this next one I would have more information about healing from Childhood trauma.  

Self care is vital. Balance is important. The mind and body work together. Our outer world and inner world also work together.  Even basic self care that most of us are aware of but also, most of us are lacking in, believe it or not, is part of healing. Eat a balanced healthy diet. This includes staying well hydrated with good clean water,  getting enough good sleep, having a spiritual or mindfulness practice that you are comfortable with, a social network (no, this doesn’t include social media). Now more than ever, to have a connection with friends and family in a safe manner is important for our mental well being. Getting exercise and having hobbies you enjoy is important, and last but not least, remember good hygiene. This is a basic list, not in any particular order. Oftentimes these self care basics are overlooked as a result of the trauma from the past that is disrupting our own self care. 

If you don’t have the skills or knowledge for self care due to neglect in your childhood, please do not be embarrassed to reach out, you are not at fault. 

Reach out. Ask your doctor or primary care provider, or even a trusted friend or loved one. If you’re in therapy (of any kind) bring this issue up to them and they will be happy to help you, completely judgement free. Medical and mental health professionals are there to help you in any way they can. They may refer you or give you other resources they think will be more helpful if they aren’t a good fit. You also are free to search for another, if you don’t feel heard or understood. It does take patience and diligence to find a good fit sometimes when it comes to the right treatment plan for you. 

Self care is usually thought of as spa days, and little luxuries, or gifts we give ourselves. It’s so much more than that. However,  it does help with self-love, self-respect and confidence. 

Painting by Pamela Topjian

Self-help techniques for childhood trauma. Journaling can be helpful to become clear on your thoughts and feelings. If you’re unsure where to start, ask yourself what your inner child needs to know, what would you like to tell that little one inside of you? Writing your story is very healing as well, I recently have done this myself. See: “Your Story Matters”

Try writing letters to people without the intention of sending them, even to those who are deceased, or who may be dangerous to contact. Write it all out, then bury it, or burn it, or both. Have a silent conversation with a person or even a situation, imagine what you would say, what did you need to say in the past but never had the chance? What would you like to say now from your adult perspective? You can do this in meditation, while on a walk, or even just laying in bed before you go to sleep. 

Healing through art is helpful. It’s a creative outlet for those stuck emotions, or can be a way to help unwind and relax, something to focus on that keeps your mind from any negative or racing thoughts. You don’t have to have any skill or take any lessons or wait for a class, unless you want to, but you don’t have to.

 I started painting at a particularly stressful time in my life in 2019 just for the fun of it, just to have some way to express myself creatively. I never had a class and didn’t care about the outcome but in less than 2 years have come a long way in my painting. It’s not even about the finished product still, it’s the process that is so healing, and therapeutic. I had no idea it would be so therapeutic for me. 

There are trained certified art therapists if you’re interested in finding one, which will be more helpful than taking an art class or course when it comes to using art as a form of therapy. If this sounds interesting to you, please don’t wait – pick up a pencil now and start doodling, get a few cheap paint brushes and some art pad… start today. 

My own Painting, Breakthrough Woman, by Pamela Topjian

I have had a couple clients that journal with art and words, it’s so amazing what they come up with, I’m so honored when they share with me. 

There are many books on childhood healing, or healing from childhood trauma and CPTSD (Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Some from spiritual perspectives, some from therapists and others from medical doctors. Check your local bookstore or an online shop to see the variety of books. Read the reviews and descriptions to find one that resonates with you. (I purposefully am not suggesting any particular one here, so you can find a good fit for you specifically) 

Self care may also include alternative therapies, such as different types of holistic or energy healers, aroma therapy or sound therapy as well. All of which can be complimentary to more traditional therapies, or medical treatments.

Awareness is key.. As stated in my last article on Childhood trauma, not all trauma is abuse or physical. It can be hard to recognize that you are even suffering from the effects of childhood trauma. If you read my story (link above) you will see clearly how my childhood was traumatic, but when I went to therapy after an abusive marriage I had no idea, it hadn’t even occurred to me that my childhood had played a part in the debilitating anxiety and depression that brought me into that office that day. I didn’t even realize that I was suffering the effects of PTSD let alone CPTSD. In fact I was so confused by the mental health issues, I thought since I was away from the dangerous situation I ought to  be feeling better. That confusion made it worse. Having an understanding of what’s going on, and why is very important. 

My point here is not about my story, but to find out the root cause of your mental health issues can be very liberating, and give you a place to start in which to heal. 

There are many types of therapists, with varying specialties, at different education and training levels. What works best though, regardless of any of that, is a good personality fit. Having a therapist you’re comfortable with is most important. Any therapist of any kind will be open about their training and education. 

You will find  my own information here “Meet Your Hypnotherapist” 

If you’re interested in learning how hypnotherapy might be helpful for you, reach out with any questions or concerns. Consultations are always free and include a sample session so you can see how it feels for you. 

Thank you so much for being here. I love to hear from you all. I’m open to suggestions for other article topics you would like to see me write about, as well as any thoughts on this or any other articles. You can reach me by using the contact form on the home page, or email me directly at

Stay well, inside and out.  Pamela Topjian LVN, CHt