I Wrote My Memoir

It is such an amazing feeling to have reached a goal of publishing my story, and to be an author. 

My book is titled “I Didn’t Come This Far to Only Come THIS Far” Another title I considered was “The first fifty years are only practice” 

This is my own memoir. I started writing this book 5 years ago, and it was published in January 2022. I like to say that  it was 55 years in the making, and 5 years in the writing. Which is absolutely the case. I had a hard time coming to an end, since I was going to stop writing and end this book when my life settled down. However,  it’s clear that isn’t happening any time soon. I didn’t come this far to only come THIS far! I keep going, keep reaching my goals and dreams. It’s all even amazing to me, considering where I came from and how far down I was. 

I wanted to share my story with others, to show that in a real life story, that no matter what you are going through, or have been through, you can do more than survive, and just exist. There’s nothing special, or different about me. Much of what I have been through is all too common. 

I started writing my life story mainly as a form of therapy. To get it all out of me, and off of my chest. It was difficult at times, but very therapeutic. My story is one of childhood trauma that led to trauma in adulthood, eventually leading to a total breakdown in life. It doesn’t stop there, in fact that breakdown was a catalyst to a breakthrough in life. Now I’m not only living my life, but loving my life, checking off goals and thriving, finally in my 50’s.

My ultimate hope is to inspire others, so they know they are not alone, and that it can and does get better. I also wrote my story so as not to go to the grave without my story told, from my own point of view. So my ancestors will have a peek into the life of their great great grandmother or aunt. My goal for the book is to have made an impact and to know that it gave hope to those who have felt hopeless.

I plan to write a book about the experience itself. The experience of writing out my story. As well as a bit of a how-to. There have been many people who have told me they have always wanted to write their story, but don’t know where to start. I may continue with volume two, as to what happens next in my life. This will depend on how much interest there is and how the rest of my life plays out. 

I do feel the need to give a sensitivity warning for domestic violence, rape, poverty and neglegt. This book is not all negative or depressing, it does end on a high note, reaching my goals and loving life! I just know that there is so much more to come. Because, it’s true “I Didn’t Come This Far To Only Come THIS Far” as the title says. I’m very excited for the future! 

A bit about me personally; I’m very happily married in a loving respectful marriage after two toxic marriages. I am the mother of two adult children, I meditate daily, and a certified hypnotherapist conducting sessions worldwide through zoom and phone. You can find more information on my website: HypnoBreakthrough.com I help people to dive deep within their own inner guidance to make positive changes in their lives. I changed careers after 14 years in the medical field as a licensed nurse to assist people on a more holistic and deeper level. I love animals and help with pet sitting here and there. I also love to paint, my artwork can be seen on products on Redbubble.com under “PamelaMarieArt” I sell the original paintings myself. My Book can be found on Amazon in paperback, kindle and on kindle unlimited. “I Didn’t Come This Far to Only Come THIS Far”

Thank you so much for your interest. If you do read the book I would love honest feedback, weather or not you write a review on Amazon.

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