Tell your story, I’m not saying it will be easy, I’m saying it will be worth it.
Write out your story. It may be hard, it may be grueling, you may need a break, or several. However it’s therapeutic. You can do it in your own time, no rush, no deadline.
Vulnerability is truth and it’s authentic. It’s helpful to put it out there and say ‘ this is who I am, this is my life and this is why I am the way I am today.’ Rather; this is how I got to where I am today.

More importantly, it’s helpful for you to see reasons for the decisions you made, reasons that you can see more clearly as you write it out. Patterns and realizations that are right there in front of you, in “black and white” so to speak.
That will help you to feel more in control. Which in turn helps you to feel that you have grown and will do better. That you can now recognize red flags – whether it’s in relationships or a job or the toxicity of others around you. How you self sabotage or family patterns that keep you stuck.
To write it out is sort of a release that you cannot explain until you do it for yourself. You may think this is a common story, many have lived through these similar things, or much worse. Yes that’s all true, but your own story is unique. Those that are going through something similar may see your story and realize they are not alone. They may realize they too can write it out for others or themselves. To see how others have coped or been able to get themselves back to some sort of normalcy, or even happiness gives hope to those still in low areas of their lives.
You may even think, I know my story all too well and I don’t need to write it out. I’m telling you it is different to know than it is to write. Again, It’s not easy, but well worth it.

I recently wrote out my own story. I’m not one to talk about myself much, but with clients I found myself telling them I can understand, I know how that feels etc. A couple have encouraged me to write out my own story. It helps them to know their hypnotherapist really does know what its like to live through some tough times. I wanted it to be just the pain points, just the basic gist – but it ended up being three parts. Three long blog posts. Whether anyone reads all three or not, it was cathartic, and even therapeutic. Well worth it and why I suggest you do the same.
Links to three blog posts telling my story:
Part one:
Part two:
Part three:
I was already in the process of writing an autobiography, knowing it would be years until it was ready for publishing but working on it. Through writing that out, in part, I was able to start to remember things that were hidden in my subconscious.
I empowered myself by writing it all out. Realizing what I’ve been through and how my life could have gone, but went in a positive direction instead. Honestly, I’m proud of myself for that. Dreams do come true, even when you feel helpless and hopeless, its possible, and I’m living proof.
I do hope this was beneficial to you. Thank you so very much being here and reading this. If you have any questions or would like to share your story with me I’d love to hear it. I promise to never share your information with anyone. Whether you’re a client of mine or not. Everything is completely confidential. Any ideas or something else you would like to see my write about please feel free to let me know.
If you’re having trouble remembering your story, or have childhood issues that you need to release, please consider hypnotherapy. Only you can heal yourself, but you don’t have to do it alone.
Much love and gratitude always,
Pamela Topjian CHt
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