What Are Soul Contracts and how to complete the contract.
Many people believe in past lives, (rebirth, reincarnation etc.) and with that, they also believe we are much more than our physical selves. I believe this. There is a technique of hypnotherapy to show you a past life: Past life regression. Dr. Brian Weiss and Dolores Cannon are two of many that have made this known more mainstream.
However, soul contracts are more about the time before your life, or in between lives. Some believe, as I do, that we have a soul family, much like a soulmate; however people that are placed in your life on purpose to teach you something you need to know. Not necessarily ‘lessons’ , but to give you an experience for your better understanding of life.

If you have ever been through something difficult that hurt you deeply, this situation was part of your soul contract. If you don’t want to repeat this, then step back to gain clarity on the reason. To gain understanding. Hypnotherapy can help with that. Writing it all out, journaling, and meditation can also help, or any combination. There are many ways to gain clarity on a situation. If you’re having triggers this is showing you where you need to step back and take a good look objectively.
Our soul family, or soulmate are those we feel deeply connected to, usually as soon as we make contact, you feel drawn to this person, or some odd ‘coincidences’ or ‘twist of fate’ brings you together.
Often these people are with you over many lifetimes. Some of these people are like thorns in your side, and you can’t seem to stop reliving or being triggered by their hurtful actions. These people can come in your life for just a month, or they can even be family!
There is also a hypnotherapy technique to sever energetic cords or end contracts. Send these souls on their way thanking them for their lessons and sending them on their way with love and gratitude. This can also be done in meditation on your own.

I have a guided meditation: Release soul contracts. This guided meditation is a good way to show you where to start if you’re new to meditation. If you watch, please feel free to leave a comment, and let me know how you felt afterwards, even come back after a few days to see if you notice anything. If you don’t want to be public with your experience I always welcome private messages on my social media, or via the contact form on my Breakthrough Hypnotherapy home page
As always I love hearing from you! If you have any suggestions for future articles or topics you’re interested in reading about here, (or more guided meditations on my YouTube Channel) please let me know.
Thank you so much for being here! Remember, consultations for hypnotherapy are always free of charge, and include a sample session so you can see how it feels before you make any commitments.
Take care, inside and out!
Pamela Topjian
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