QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) Founded and created by Dolors Cannon (1931-2014)
As you may know, I am a board certified hypnotherapist. Which is not the same as a QHHT practitioner. However both work within the realm of the subconscious mind.
I have both conducted, and had several hypnotherapy sessions by other hypnotherapists over the years. I know that I fall into a deep state fairly easily. I meditate daily, and have for most of my adult life.
This was, however, my first QHHT session. I had a session with a level one intern. I went to their house (or they will come to you) as these sessions are not recommended to do over the phone, or even by any video call.

I laid down with a blanket over me, and they had me visualize certain things to see if I could see them, or get a sense of them in my mind’s eye. Then, asked permission from the subconscious to ask some questions.
I don’t remember from there on out – luckily it was all recorded.
I didn’t remember when I came back, however when talking about some of it afterwards with the practitioner, I could remember some of it. Listening to the recording later that night, I saw it all again clearly.
I felt very comfortable and could see everything so clearly as if I was living it. I went into three past lives, it felt so nice there, and I didn’t want to leave each one as we went on. I received some life lessons from each one that are helpful for me in this lifetime.
I had felt like I was shaking at some point, but they said I wasn’t when I asked afterwards. I took a nap when I got home. What I didn’t expect was a few days of feeling on a high, and unfocused. I was so glad I hadn’t planned anything else for that same day. I had a hard time doing much of anything that wasn’t just part of my daily activities for a couple of days.
The QHHT sessions are gaining popularity as a past life regression therapy, and before or between life on earth viewing (this may be controversial for some, I realize) although it’s much more than that, and it may not even be somewhere your subconscious or higher self brings you (or shows you)
Many people have been known to get answers about (or even be healed from) health issues. We tried, we did get some spiritual reasons for my health issues, and my subconscious said that we could heal my health issues, but honestly they are still with me. I do fully believe in these types of spontaneous/miracle healings, but it didn’t happen (yet) for me.
These sessions are meant to be a deeply healing experience in general, and I haven’t heard of anyone that did not gain some sort of benefit from them. You do not have to believe in past lives, other realms or dimensions etc. to have a session, and for it to be beneficial for you.
Have you tried a QHHT session? I would love to hear your experience. If you have any other questions about my own experience, feel free to reach out. You can contact me via the contact form on the home page or send an email Pamela@HypnoBreakthrough.com
Take care, Inside and out. Pamela
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