How can a spiritual guide help me?
What comes to mind when you hear the term “spiritual guidance”? Or the words, spiritual, spirit or even soul? Do you feel you have a good understanding, or belief around these terms?
There may be a specific definition, or a belief system – however in reality it’s deeply personal to the individual. What’s within YOU is what matters most.

A guide is a person who shows you the way.
A spiritual guide may even show up in unexpected ways, through a dying loved one, an ill child, or even a vibrant healthy child playing. Even a stranger, an animal or a dream… the possibilities are virtually endless.
“Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and own common sense” – Buddha (Siddhārtha Gautama)
A spiritual guide should help to guide you on your own path, not theirs, or anyone else’s.
(or whatever may be trending in the world of spirituality at the time – possibly due to a celebrity interest or endorsement, cinema or even social media.)
A good spiritual guide will guide you to your own inner wisdom, help you to release any past guilt or shame around beliefs that no longer feel right and true for you, or perhaps never did. A good spiritual guide will offer suggestions or exercises designed to better understand your own truth.
Where are you on your spiritual path right now?

Do you feel you have lost your way, or were never even close to it?
Are you missing something in life, but unsure what it is? Wondering if spirituality or a spiritual practice may help? There is much to explore, and you never know it may be hidden just beneath the surface, or deep within your soul. Your answers may be found in your childhood or ancestry or even past lives.
Do you feel a deep connection to nature and the earth, or maybe something far away from the earth, and sky – not of this earth? Just reading that previous line, notice what comes up for you.

Have you had a transcendent experience, out of body experience, or even a paranormal experience that you wish to find answers about? Perhaps you’re fearful of an experience you’ve had, or even some thoughts that you would like some clarity around.
Nobody can tell you, or do the work for you, but you don’t have to do it alone. There were lots of questions within this article. These are questions to ask yourself, perhaps you’ll find clarity by going through the article, writing out the questions and using them as journal prompts. (I have large hard cover journals with some of my paintings on the cover on Amazon, just put my name “Pamela Topjian” in the Amazon search bar)
If you’re interested in learning more about spiritual guidance for yourself, feel free to send me a message with any questions, or to schedule a free consultation by phone or zoom.
Pamela@HypnoBreakthrough or use the contact form on the website
Thank you for sharing in the time and space with me. I do not believe in coincidences or accidents. I am grateful for the connection.
Please take care, inside and out! Pamela Topjian
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