By Pamela Topjian, CHt

There are many ways to let go of blocks and obstacles. Here are five visualizations you can use to help you let go and move on.
You may do them all, or pick one that feels right for you. I suggest you read through them first then make that decision.
Some people have trouble visualizing, however if I say the word apple, you know what that is, and you don’t have to actually see one in your minds eye to know what I’m talking about. The same is true for something none of us have seen, like the wind, or even a unicorn.
So keep an open mind, and most importantly is that you are ready to let go, and move on. Just put your hand on your heart and give yourself permission to let go. Let your subconscious know that you are now ready to move on from the blocks and obstacles that have been holding you back.
1. Untying knots: visualize knots in a rope, or even a string. Just laying there in arms reach. Imagine or just pretend that each knot represents an obstacle or block to letting go of whatever may be holding you back. Then imagine yourself untying the knots, one by one.
If any of them are harder to untie than others, you can imagine that you have a toolbox to use whatever tool is needed to help you untie those knots. Once they are all untied, you can feel any tightness or tension release from your body as well. Sometimes emotional blocks lead to physical symptoms, untying knots is a good way to release both.
2. Dial: Just like a volume dial on the radio or stereo system, you can imagine the higher the dial is set, representing the amount of blocks, or obstacles, or the strength of the block. In your mind’s eye, imagine just reaching out and slowly turning down the volume, or the dial. As you do you’re lessening the strength of the block. You can even turn it off if you feel like you need to. As soon as the volume is dialed down, you know you have control and can keep it as quiet as is comfortable for you.
3. Bubbles: Visualize blowing bubbles like you may have done as a child, or even bubbles from a bubble bath, and imagine that the bubbles hold within them the obstacles to letting go. Then, as you pop the bubbles you also pop the block and it just disappears, or dissolves, as the bubble does when popped. You may find yourself popping lots of bubbles, one after the other. Or you may find a huge release after popping just one.
4. Clouds: Visualize in your mind’s eye, that you’re looking up at clouds moving across the sky, and once you get this visual, just imagine sending whatever blocks or obstacles you may have up to the clouds to be carried away. Just as the clouds dissipate, imagine the blocks and obstacles being carried away, losing strength and also dissipating. Once you notice them disappearing, a peaceful feeling comes over you, and a feeling of being lighter. The sky is clear, it’s a new day and now you can move on with your life, free from those blocks and obstacles.
5. Write in the sand: Imagine being on a beach, the waves come in and go back out again. You walk closer to the water and notice a stick in the sand, you can pick up the stick and begin to write in the sand… you write out anything that reminds you of who or what may be holding you back from moving on in your life. It could be a name, a symbol, a representation of a situation, or time in your life. Anything or anyone that has been blocking you or been an obstacle in your way. Visualize yourself writing or drawing in the sand, then ask the ocean to take it away. Just as you do this, the waves come in and wash away your writing or drawing and as soon as it does, you feel a sense of peace and relief.
If you would like a guided meditation that you can listen to for any of these, let me know. I have a YouTube channel with guided visualizations. Just let me know, I will create and record one.
Even though these are all in your mind’s eye, please know that inner changes really do create outer changes. You may notice changes right away, or you may need to use these images/visualizations in meditation, or do them a few times over, before you see any changes .
As mentioned at the top, the most important thing is that you are ready. You have to be willing to give up that which holds you back, even if you don’t know what is holding you back. You have to be willing to let go and move on. Excited for what’s on the other side of letting go. As silly as that sounds, sometimes people get attached to the block or obstacles, they can even be safety nets – keeping us from our own success. I know we have all heard that people often fear success more than failure.
Please share which you used, and how the experience was for you.
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