What does it mean to be a hypnotic coach, and more importantly, what does that mean for my clients?
A basic answer is that a hypnotic coach combines hypnotherapy or hypnosis techniques along with coaching. Over the last year and a half I have been working through a course towards an *Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner diploma. (IHAP) That’s a mouthful, but let’s break that down.
Integrative: to unify separate things.
Healing: the process of making or becoming sound, or healthy again.
Arts: the expression or application of human creative skill.
(Healing Arts: Creative practices that promote healing, wellness and personal change)
Practitioner: a person actively engaged in an art, discipline, or profession.
I will delve deeper into all of this later in January (2024) when I graduate from the program.
The *IHAP course includes Spiritual coaching, Life coaching and transformational coaching, among other holistic healing arts modalities. The course concludes at the end of January ‘24, and, as mentioned above, at that time I will be giving another more in-depth update.
(if you would like to keep updated with all the happenings with HypnoBreatkthough, please sign up for my monthly email – just send a msg. On the front page or at PamelaTopjian@HypnoBreakthrough.com)
As for the “Master Hypnotic Coach” certification that I have just received. I have been a certified hypnotherapist with the (ACHE) **American Council of Hypnotists Examiners since ‘20, ACHE certified Hypnotherapists renew our certifications every two years, which includes continuing education. This was the same for my nursing license.
Working on the Integrative healing Arts Practitioner course has included more than enough continuing education to add the Certification to “Master Hypnotic Coach” to my ACHE hypnotherapy certifications.
I’m proud of this achievement. I have been working hard at this for a year and a half.
Hypnotherapy has been a part of my life since 2010. Many of you know my story. I have written my memoir (found on Amazon) which includes my journey to hypnotherapy. At the time of this writing, I’m just about to publish my second book on my nursing career, and why I left. Which at the end, also includes hypnotherapy.
I always knew I wanted to add more to my hypnotherapy education and training. To have more ways to assist my clients on their healing journey. To gently guide people towards a fulfilling life in whatever way that will be most effective for them personally.
Hypnotherapy is such a powerful modality on its own, and is my absolute first love in the holistic healing arts. I know that it has the potential to be even more powerful, and the results are oftentimes longer lasting ,or even more rapid, when combined with other complementary and alternative healing arts modalities.
Results are very individual, and what fits well for one, may not be a good fit for another. This is another reason I wanted to add more training, and education to serve my clients more holistically.
If you are interested in learning more, or scheduling a free consultation. Contact me at Pamela@HypnoBreakthrough.com Or use the contact form on the home page at HypnoBreakthough.com
Thank you so much for being here, and reading this. Please feel free to check out other areas of my website and come back soon to see the updates.

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