What does it mean to show up for yourself?
Beyond physically showing up where you have an appointment, a plan or obligation. Show up for yourself – walk your talk, and talk your walk with integrity and honor. Strive to not for greatness, but to do your best each day, to also honor the days you need to rest, reflect, or just be still or at one with yourself.
Show up – be true to you. Treat yourself with loving kindness. Treat yourself as you would your child, your grandparents or even your fur-baby.
Every day you make decisions and choices to show up for yourself, or not.
How can I honor my body and still eat junk food daily. How can I value peace yet, stay in an environment that is toxic to my being, or start an argument, or lash out, even just online with a stranger, or even if just in my mind to myself.
Ask yourself what is most important to me? Showing up for yourself is making sure your daily actions, (words and thoughts) are in line with what is most important to you. Make a list of your priorities and ask yourself before starting something new, is this in line with my priorities?
Doing some shadow work is helpful in being able to truly show up for yourself. The “Shadow Self” is a concept first coined by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, that describes those aspects of the personality that we choose to reject and repress.

One experiment you can do to reveal your shadow self, and begin to do shadow work is one by a college professor. He handed out cards to his students and asked them to think of the person that irritates them the most. Maybe even the person they “hate” the most… once they have that person in mind, to write down 5 things, or reasons this person irritates them.
Then he told them to look at the list and identify at least 3 of those things that are within themselves, parts of themselves they hide, or repress.
This can be pretty eye opening, and can help start some shadow work.
Showing up for yourself isn’t always easy. Especially if you’re the type of person that avoids confrontation, people pleases above your own wishes or needs, or has some unhealthy habits (physically or mentally)
Who doesn’t have unhealthy habits, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Showing up for yourself is being honest with yourself, and a willingness to be candid and vulnerable. A willingness to work on those parts of yourself you may try to repress, as well as working towards improvement. There is always more to heal, more to learn, more ways to serve yourself (and others) If you’re on this earth as a human – there’s room for improvement.

Again, this doesn’t mean you have to run yourself into exhaustion, or burnout striving for improvement. This would in fact, be the opposite of showing up for yourself.
Rest when need be, do what you love, do what feeds your soul, be who you say you are, and most of all, show yourself love and grace. Sometimes showing up for yourself is just choosing a small step in self-care.
If you’re having trouble even identifying what is important to you. If you have been disconnected from self for so long, you don’t even know who you are anymore. I would love to invite you on a quick contact call. A free consultation to show you how I may help guide you back to self. To learn more, check out my HypnoBreakthrough website.
So I ask you, are you showing up for yourself? I would love to hear how you show up for yourself. Regardless of if you’re interested in booking with me. I love hearing people’s stories and the different paths we have all found to self love and self improvement.
Please take care, inside and out. -Pamela Topjian
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