Forget new years resolutions, even goals…. Yes, that’s right.
Think instead about what quality of life means to you. What is a fulfilling life in your mind? What do you not want to go to your grave without having done, or experienced?
Think about that – contemplate, meditate or journal about it.
For your journal prompt, you can start with asking yourself ; What are my top 5 (or 3) priorities in life? Are simple pleasures a part of your list? What’s the top highest priority?
Then pay attention over the next month, how much time you spend each week within those priorities. You can even make a chart if you like doing that sort of thing.
Are you living your life to the fullest? Are you fulfilled? Do you know the feeling of living well? What would your life be if you did?
What are you waiting for?

Consider the words of ― Eckhart Tolle; The Power Of Now
“It is not uncommon for people to spend their whole life waiting to start living.”
It is said that we only live once, when in reality we only die once.
Sadly, far too many of us don’t live while we’re alive. Some people spend their whole lives waiting for this… or that. Waiting until they have enough money, or time, or until they have something they think they need, before they can take action on whatever it is they would like to do in their lives. Or something they want to start doing for more peace or balance, or always had an interest in. For some of you, this may be starting a new lifestyle practice, or even spiritual practice.
Such as, “I’ll start a meditation practice when I can get a good quality meditation cushion and a few books on meditation”
“I’ll start eating better once I have more money, or the time to find fresh organic produce, or get a good quality ….. Whatever kitchen gadget you think you need to eat healthier. “
We all do this on some level. Big or small.
Much like waiting for the fruit to be just right on the tree, and it ends up spoiling on the ground, having never been eaten. Having never tasted that sweet fruit because they were waiting for the perfect time.
Can you think of a time you have put something off, only to wish you had started sooner? When have you put off starting something that you were passionate about, waiting until the timing was just right, only to find the right timing had passed without you realizing it.
Some people put off parenthood until everything is perfect to bring a child into their lives, while this is a good decision to take seriously, you may end up having a difficult time conceiving as we age as well.
“Go For It” as the athletic ads state. Because, the time will pass anyway – you CAN begin even without being in the perfect position, or having all you think you need; be it a physical item or education… start that passion, that practice, that endeavor. Do not let the time pass without at least trying to live your life to the fullest.
Give yourself grace, you’re not expected to know everything, or be perfect when you start something new. Also know that you are not alone, you can call in your spiritual team, your own spirit guides and/or the god (or goddess) that feels right and true to you, to assist you on this journey.
If you do make some mistakes, (and you will) know that its in the mistakes where valuable lessons are learned. Lessons you cannot learn from a class or course.
Practice may not make perfect, but it does bring progress. While it’s true that sometimes we really do need something to change in our lives to get to that point we want to be. You can start just changing your mindset, meditating on it, praying about it – journaling about it. Rather than thinking that you can’t until something changes… How about saying to yourself, ‘I will do what I can now, with what I have where I’m at.’
Once that ball gets rolling, momentum usually picks up and you WILL be living your life to the fullest sooner than if you waited.

So I ask you…
What do you want to do with your life? I mean, what are you really passionate about? What in life are you putting off? What are YOU waiting for?
The time is NOW, you CAN live your life to the fullest! Even if you can’t fully start right now, you CAN start the ball rolling towards your dreams, your passions in life, and THAT will help you to feel that you ARE living your life to the fullest, moving in the direction of your passions rather than putting them off. This fosters self-love, and self confidence.
It doesn’t even have to be anything big, maybe you’re passionate about living a calm, simple life. If life has always been loud, chaotic or out of control, living your life to the fullest may mean a routine, predicable, simple life. What can you do today to start? Practice meditation? Make a commitment to yourself to take a walk alone (or with a loved one) once a week. Make a list of priorities and what you’re doing or could be doing. Book a few Hypnotherapy sessions? there’s always something you could do, right now.
What will you do, wait, hope and wish . forget about it or put it in the back of your mind….or start that ball rolling?
Live your life NOW because the time will pass anyway, and as time passes, so does your life.
*Consider the meditation suggestion ‘Contemplating our priorities.’ on page 33 of the book, “Being with dying…” by Joan Halifax
Thank you for being here. Please take care, inside and out. Pamela Topjian CHt
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