Have you heard of future life progression?
There are techniques in Hypnotherapy known as regression therapy. The Hypnotherapist will guide you into a state much like a dream state. Relaxing the physical body, quieting the conscious mind, and directing the subconscious mind to take you back to a place or time. This is often in childhood to help release blocks, forgive yourself or others, or to have a silent conversation within your mind’s eye with your past self, or another from that time in your life. I have found this to be very beneficial for myself, and my clients.
Another regression technique is Past Life Regression (PLR). Two of the most prominent names of this therapeutic approach are psychiatrist Dr. Brian Weiss and Doloras Cannon, founder and creator of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT). In this technique the hypnotherapist gently guides you back in your mind’s eye to a past life. Which can be beneficial in many ways.
Both Dr. Brain Weiss and Dolores Cannon have several books, if you would like to learn more.
However, have you heard of Future Life Progression?
A few quotes and sayings relating to this; If you can see it you can be it, if you can dream it you can do it. As above so below, as within so without.

“The way we experience the world around us, is a direct reflection of the world within us” – Gabrielle Bernstein
Inner Changes absolutely create outer changes. You don’t have to have the answers to how it will happen, or even know what you would like your future to be.
With hypnotherapy we go deep within your subconscious to gently release blocks and obstacles that may be holding you back. This will open doors, and allow you to be aware of opportunities and paths you may not have noticed before. We ask your subconscious mind, your inner wisdom, to guide you towards the best path for you.

Some steps you can take on your own right now, is to look at a photo of yourself as a child, or even a younger adult, and ask them to tell you where they see themselves in 5-10 years. Ask what their biggest dreams are. Close your eyes, or keep looking at the photo and imagine how they may have answered such a question. You may want to do this in meditation or by journaling. So often we will get answers by just writing out a question, or a statement and then free hand, or free flow the writing (sort of an automatic writing exercise) You may be surprised at the results.
Are you interested in experiencing the Future Life Progression Hypnotherapy technique for yourself?
Then do something today, that your future self will thank you for and contact Pamela to get started on HypnoBreakthrough’s Future Life Progression program:
This is a commitment to yourself and your future self.
The Future Life Progression program consists of 3-6 sessions all together (depending on your needs and responsiveness)
In each session we will relax your physical body, quiet your conscious mind, and then clear your energy field, inside and out. In subsequent sessions, which will vary according to your needs and responses we will:
– Take you to a childhood dream of yourself as an adult.
– Look deep within yourself for clarity and guidance.
– Remove limiting beliefs from your past, which may have caused blocks, and obstacles deep within.
–Take a look back, and a look ahead.

Contact me to schedule your FREE consultation if your excited to get get started on this program! Send an email at Pamela@HypnoBreakthrough.com or use the contact form on the homepage HypnoBreakthrough.com
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