Chances are pretty high that you will make it through whatever you’re going through now.
If you’re reading this, you already made it through some dark times, even your worst. The chances are pretty high that you will make it through this one, or the next one too. Your survival rate to this point is 100%!
What some consider their darkest days can be very different from what others experience. It’s like pain – you cannot compare or think that someone didn’t have it so bad or that your situation is, or was, so much worse. Or that they have it so much worse than you and you must be weak and so on. It’s not a contest, and there is no measurement. The truth is, we will all at some point go through what we consider to be our darkest days. This is part of the human experience. Most of us go through some awful time and think that was the worst we will have to endure. Only to later in life experience something even more dark and traumatizing. If you can make it out, you have proved to yourself how strong you are, how resilient you are. Own that, latch onto it if you need to. Wow, I never thought I would be where I am now or even, looking back I cannot believe I did or didn’t do this or that…. Whatever it is, allow yourself to be proud of even the small steps. The one constant thing is change, wherever you are there is hope and a big chance that change is coming.

If you know me you know I love my metaphors, but they are so true! The mighty oak tree will grow its roots deeper and stronger through every storm. I absolutely believe it’s the same for us. “That which doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” but that which doesn’t kill you will also make you more humble and compassionate. It will also help you to begin to help others going through similar situations. Once you can truly empathize and say to someone, “I know, I’ve been there”, you can really help someone believe in themselves, and therefore have hope. Of course some will not think that you really know, and you really can’t know exactly, but you can say “I’ve been through some dark times, and never thought I’d live to tell about it, but I did, and I have faith that you will too.”
If you can share your story you never know how many you inspire and help along the way. I am currently watching a new podcast you tube channel Back On Track Podcast with many such inspiring stories. I have my own and may see if they want to share mine as well.
I wholeheartedly believe that going through some really rough times in my life has helped me to be much better at what I do to help others.
What are some ways you have made it through? Please feel free to share.
As for me, I did utilize those crisis text lines. (Crisis text lines: US and CA 741-741 UK 85258) I made a big move, sold just about all my possessions and got on a bus across the country and I did what I could to not have to be a single woman on the streets. I did house and pet sitting and in home caregiving jobs. I have regrets that I could have, or should have done better. However, I’m very proud of myself that I was able to stay off the streets, never turned to any substance and was able to help others in a small way at least, in the process. I received therapy and yes, vented a lot on social media.
I did not talk very openly or deeply with friends and family, which I now wish I would have. I know we are embarrassed or can feel like a burden, but your loved ones, be them friends or family can be very helpful, even if it’s just a listening ear. Please don’t assume that those that ignore you or don’t respond are not your “real friends” or don’t care. They may be going through so much themselves they can’t handle any more at that moment. They may feel helpless and unsure how to help. So you may need to tell your loved ones that you just need to vent or to not be alone, or that you need some food and are not in any condition to go out or cook/prepare anything – or maybe even to take you out to go for a walk. Be sure they know that you’re not asking them to solve your issues. Reaching out is so important and something I didn’t do enough. Please don’t suffer in silence.
Pets and animals help us when we’re down, they also help to have something we need to do, to get us out of bed. Growing things, taking care of plants even can be helpful. Of course we have all heard this, but I have to mention getting outside, staying hydrated and making sure you’re eating, better yet, eating healthy. Reading, music, journaling etc.
I do know all too well, in the darkest days (and mostly nights) we can be paralized, so wracked with fear, anxiety, panic even, so depressed that self care is the last thing we think about.

Of course Hypnotherapy will help you through as well. I do offer one free sample session to see how it feels and if its right for you. I do many phone sessions so you can stay in bed and not have to worry about going anywhere, complete privacy and if you have pets, they love the sessions too – just set the appointment, let me call you and you just put me on speaker or wear earbuds. Please see my *article archived from June about what hypnotherapy is and what to expect in a session with me. * What is Hypnotherapy?
So, you have made it through your darkest times, congratulations! You do deserve to pat yourself on the back, and accept my virtual pat on the back as well.
Please know you can make it through whatever life throws at you!
I do hope this has helped some of you. Please let me know, what has helped you, or share your story. Comment below or send a message if you’re more private. Your confidentiality is always respected. I am a nurse as well, and hold high HIPAA standards for all my clients. I have a contact form on the home page, and I welcome emails as well – I love hearing from you all.
Thank you so much for being here.
Pamela Topjian LVN, CHt (Certified Hypnotherapist)
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