How can hypnotherapy benefit you before pregnancy, during pregnancy and postpartum?

When we hear the term Hypnotherapy in relation to pregnancy, we may think of a type of hypnotherapy called ‘HypnoBirthing’. Many Doulas specialize in this, and are worth looking into for a holistic approach.
I am focusing here more on the time before pregnancy, during pregnancy and postpartum, rather than just during the birthing process. Although, even without using a specific hypnobirthing specialist, the relaxation techniques, healthy pregnancy and stress reduction will absolutely help reduce pain and fears during labor and birth as well.
Hypnotherapy is highly effective for reducing stress and depression. Also, to help implement healthy lifestyle habits, such as eating better, better quality sleep, quitting smoking, or other addictions. Hypnotherapy works with the subconscious mind to release blocks and limiting beliefs that may keep you from living a healthy lifestyle.
Long before my nursing career, and Hypnotherapy training, I had apprenticed with home birth midwives. The mind-body connection is so strong. I have seen examples of this while working with midwives and pregnant mothers. Stress and worry in any mammal can cause physical health issues that are not conducive to healthy mother and baby. Including everything from loss of sleep, stress eating, smoking, drinking even infertility, (discounting any medical issues) to delayed labor, and lactation issues as well.
It truly is amazing how much our mind can affect our bodies. Imagine being able to release blocks that may be buried deep within your subconscious and the impact that this would have on trying to conceive. Oftentimes, individuals work with a medical team when trying to conceive, and it is not uncommon for the team to mark the cause as ‘unknown’. The challenge may not be medical after all. Many women are left with feelings of inadequacy, or that their body has failed them. This may also then cause them to to have trouble breastfeeding or conceiving another child. It’s a whole domino effect that starts with stress. Sometimes something as simple as hearing our mothers talk in our childhood about how hard labor was, and we have internalized this, without even realizing this block or limiting belief is buried deep within our subconscious.

If you’re trying to conceive , even though the medical team cannot find a medical reason, before you try invasive and costly treatments, give hypnotherapy a try. We can release blocks that may be buried deep within your subconscious, even if you don’t know they’re there and implement healthier lifestyle habits as well.
If you worry about everything during pregnancy, from what you eat, the air you breathe, or even the responsibility of parenting, rather than enjoying this time, Hypnotherapy can help to ease your fears, and develop confidence, inner strength and inner peace by relaxing the physical body, quieting the conscious mind, and adraddress the subconscious mind to release, the blocks and heal. It’s hard to understand the feeling, and how it works before you experience it for yourself. This is why I always offer a sample session within the free consultation.
If you have an unhealthy habit you’re having a hard time letting go of, whether you’re trying to conceive or currently pregnant; Hypnotherapy can help you to develop healthier eating habits, quit smoking or drinking or other addictions. Even learning to fully relax, let go and manage pain. So many ways Hypnotherapy is beneficial for couples, and moms trying to conceive, in pregnancy and the new parents.

For more information please contact me for a free consultation. Although I reside in northern California I work with clients all over the U.S. Let’s have a chat, get any questions or concerns addressed, and you can even have a sample session to see how it feels for you before you make any commitments.
I have a couple of friends I would like to mention that are doing great work in this area as well. (Please mention my name, when you reach out to these amazing women)
Laurel Segal. Owner and founder of The Seagull Nest, is a Postpartum doula, Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant, Child Passenger Safety Technician and Lactation Educator and has an extensive history with infertility and challenges around trying to conceive. Unfortunately she didn’t know about hypnotherapy during her personal journey through infertility, She understands the challenges that go hand-in-hand with infertility and trying to conceive. She is passionate about helping others on this journey and throughout the process from conception to parenting. You can reach her at
Sometimes the unthinkable does happen, the loss of a child is reality for many. This past loss can also prevent you from becoming pregnant, or be a cause for repeated miscarriages if not healed.
Monica Pleinis. Owner, founder of Compassionate healing hypnotherapy, facilitates a program to help with the pain and grief of pregnancy and child loss. Monica has personal experience in the loss of a newborn, and has healed as much as one can through hypnotherapy as well as other healing modalities. She is passionate about helping others to heal from this personal heartache as well. She can be reached at
Thank you so much for reading and please feel free to reach out with any questions or to schedule your free consultation! You may send me a direct email at or send a msg though the contact form at the bottom of the home page.
Please take care, inside and out.
Pamela Topjian
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