Tell your story, I’m not saying it will be easy, I’m saying it will be worth it.
Write out your story. It may be hard, it may be grueling, you may need a break, or several. However it’s therapeutic. You can do it in your own time, no rush, no deadline.
Vulnerability is truth and it’s authentic. It’s helpful to put it out there and say ‘ this is who I am, this is my life and this is why I am the way I am today.’ Rather; this is how I got to where I am today.
More importantly, it’s helpful for you to see reasons for the decisions you made, reasons that you can see more clearly as you write it out. Patterns and realizations that are right there in front of you, in “black and white” so to speak.
That will help you to feel more in control. Which in turn helps you to feel that you have grown and will do better. That you can now recognize red flags – whether it’s in relationships or a job or the toxicity of others around you. How you self sabotage or family patterns that keep you stuck.
To write it out is sort of a release that you cannot explain until you do it for yourself. You may think this is a common story, many have lived through these similar things, or much worse. Yes that’s all true, but your own story is unique. Those that are going through something similar may see your story and realize they are not alone. They may realize they too can write it out for others or themselves. To see how others have coped or been able to get themselves back to some sort of normalcy, or even happiness gives hope to those still in low areas of their lives.
You may even think, I know my story all too well and I don’t need to write it out. I’m telling you it is different to know than it is to write. Again, It’s not easy, but well worth it.
I recently wrote out my own story. I’m not one to talk about myself much, but with clients I found myself telling them I can understand, I know how that feels etc. A couple have encouraged me to write out my own story. It helps them to know their hypnotherapist really does know what its like to live through some tough times. I wanted it to be just the pain points, just the basic gist – but it ended up being three parts. Three long blog posts. Whether anyone reads all three or not, it was cathartic, and even therapeutic. Well worth it and why I suggest you do the same.
I was already in the process of writing an autobiography, knowing it would be years until it was ready for publishing but working on it. Through writing that out, in part, I was able to start to remember things that were hidden in my subconscious.
I empowered myself by writing it all out. Realizing what I’ve been through and how my life could have gone, but went in a positive direction instead. Honestly, I’m proud of myself for that. Dreams do come true, even when you feel helpless and hopeless, its possible, and I’m living proof.
I do hope this was beneficial to you. Thank you so very much being here and reading this. If you have any questions or would like to share your story with me I’d love to hear it. I promise to never share your information with anyone. Whether you’re a client of mine or not. Everything is completely confidential. Any ideas or something else you would like to see my write about please feel free to let me know.
If you’re having trouble remembering your story, or have childhood issues that you need to release, please consider hypnotherapy. Only you can heal yourself, but you don’t have to do it alone.
I left off in part two with packing the car and leaving, after a night of being attacked by my alcoholic drug addicted husband.
The year to follow I was having nightmares, panic attacks and was very fearful. I was dating off and on. Some people were saying you need to be alone for a while. At the same time, others were saying now is your time, play the field, just go wild and have fun! I think I did a bit of both. I ended up telling off a couple men, which of course, wasn’t fully warranted, but therapeutic for me.
I quit my job which I had for years.They were very short staffed, the reason I was doing 16 hour shifts, and I couldn’t get a day off even for my divorce and all that I needed to do. They all knew most of what I was going through, I was (and still am) close with some of the staff and my co-workers.
I was starting to burn out not only in life but my nursing career as well. I tried a few other non-nursing jobs, including a funeral home; which ended up being a shady operation. The FBI came in like a scene from the “Men In Black” movie!
I knew I was getting worse mentally. Depression and anxiety was taking over. I was shocked at my own reaction, because I was free now and safe. However, I didn’t feel that way at all. I was physically sick a lot of the time as well. I went to a few places looking for help. I remember more crying in the car in the parking lots, feeling helpless, hopeless and lost. I used the crisis text lines and life line (crisis text line in the US 741-741 the suicide hotline “lifeline” 1-800-273-8255)
I met a man while signing up to volunteer, just before the holidays. We dated some, but became better friends (and still are good friends) than anything else. He was going through a rough time as well. We became a support system for each other. He was the only one I felt fully understood where I was coming from. He told me one day while walking around in the park, that he was considering a big move across the country to start fresh. He suggested I might want to do the same. My lease was up at the end of that month. I told my landlord I may be moving out of the state, and if I stayed it likely wouldn’t be a full year. It was a small, privately-owned house. The owners informed me they were going to sell it anyway, and asked if I could be out by the end of the month. That meant I had two weeks. My friend however wasn’t sure when he was going. He had to get a few things in order still. Later, health issues kept him from traveling.
I sold and gave away most of my things. My friend who suggested the move, arranged for my mother to come for a surprise visit to stay with me the last few days before I moved. This was such a shock, but amazing to have my mom at this time. I don’t think she knew how bad I was. Of course I didn’t want to upset her. She knew I was struggling and agreed a big move might be best. I was very fearful all the time. Even though I had a restraining order and knew my ex didn’t know where I lived. I also had a couple good friends that I knew I could call in a pinch.
I got on a bus for a three day ride with a one-way ticket.
To add insult to injury, the first person to sit next to me was a shady looking character who was slurring his words, non-stop talking, and had a “water” bottle. He spilled his drink on my seat. I stood up quickly, and knew at that point, it was not water in his bottle. He then tried to wipe off the seat of my pants. He put his hands on my bottom, rubbing the booze into my soaked jeans! I thought, of all people, this person had to sit next to me?!?
Luckily we were just coming to a rest stop. The driver let me get my bag from under the bus and change my clothes. The drunk was not allowed back on. I was numb.
I had a place lined up for a live-in job. This was someone I knew, (or thought I did) online from a divorce forum, that ran a business out of their home. That situation ended up being something entirely different and unsafe, not what I was led to believe it was. I found my way to a live-in caretaker job within three weeks. I was feeling pretty proud of getting out of that situation so quickly.
I was pet sitting, house sitting and caretaking the first and into the second year in California.
I met and fell in love with my now third husband. We both had been through such terrible times with our exes. As he put it once, we were “strongly professing our independence, as we were both falling in love.“
Neither of us were particularly looking for or ready for anything serious. We went on a lot of hikes and ate a lot of pizza together. We got along like old friends from the very beginning. We brought some light into eachothers darkness, but cautiously not getting too involved with each others’ lives.
Northern California, my own picture from one of our favorite places to hike.
I started therapy. I was still having nightmares, barely sleeping, very anxious and depressed. I was so grateful not to have the responsibility and pressure of nursing. I wasn’t sure I wanted to continue at all. Within my therapy I was having a lot of trouble remembering and speaking about everything. EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) This was very helpful. I realized things from my childhood that were causes of how I ended up in the situations I had. That was empowering to know the reasons. How one thing led to another and where my point of view came from. There were reasons and I could see it. We worked on emotions and processed through the worst situations.
When I started therapy I told the therapist that I had a bad divorce, and was verbally/emotionally abused and moved across the country but, I couldn’t remember the whole event from the day I left my ex husband. I told her that I was still anxious, suicidal and not sleeping. At that time, I had no idea all the stuff from my childhood had anything to do with any of this. I had no idea that I was having post traumatic symptoms or even C- PTSD (complex PTSD). See part one:
Memories started coming back.
There had been missing pieces to the night I left, I couldn’t remember it fully. I started writing a book to tell my story, and hopefully help the memories. I was healing and starting to feel better. I wanted, as I do now with this condensed version, to show people you can come back from a rough childhood and very low points. I had nightmares occasionally and flashes of the abuse in my waking state as well.
This is when I realized I had actually been knocked unconscious. I remembered being in the closet on the floor, I couldn’t piece together how I got there and where he was. It was all coming back.
My now husband, ‘Significant other’ at that time, was supportive and encouraging, without any pity or treating me as though I was damaged. I needed this relationship to be equal. I didn’t need pity, or a savior/hero. He had been through much the same and understood. Knowing he understood and us being able to openly talk about it, was very helpful.
Back to nursing
I did end up getting my nursing license changed to be valid in California. I was definitely feeling more stable and more independent. I still had a hard time, not just personally but with nursing all together. See my article on why I left nursing here:
Please know this is my own experience and I’m not speaking for the whole of nurses or ALL medical facilities. I was very frustrated in my career for many reasons.
We moved in together and I got back to work on my book, thinking things are finally settling down. I started painting during this time. Mainly as a stress reliever, a form of self art therapy. To get some creativity flowing and let go of the stress from my nursing job. I had never picked up a paintbrush other than to paint a wall in my adult life. I didn’t care about the outcome. It was in the action of painting, the doing of, that was so therapeutic and relaxing for me. It still is, a year later.
A few of my own paintings
I was asking for clarity in meditations knowing that nursing wasn’t for me, knowing there had to be something else I was supposed to be doing. Then I was called from the universe, through dreams, hypnotherapy and meditations to get back to hypnotherapy. (in part one I tell of taking a holistic health course where I went on to focus on hypnotherapy) I went for an interview with a small school close to home and had a serious deja vu experience like never before.
I started my classes and became certified. Such a dream come true. This is all during the pandemic, we had to switch our classes to zoom. My significant other and I married on my 54th birthday, no ceremony, nothing, we got dressed up, we wore our masks and signed the papers etc and went to eat to celebrate. We both felt much closer even through the lockdowns and quarinteins of covid. We both were so very thankful to be spending so much time together and not stuck in this with our exes . It made our relationship stronger. As my son put it we had a social distance bonding formality rather than a “wedding”
Here we are, still in the throes of covid. Very happily married for six months at the time of this writing. We’ve been living together for three years now. Three of my paintings have sold. Two have been printed in a magazine. My Hypnotherapy dream is getting closer and closer.
The moral of the story is, that there is always hope! You really never know. Nothing is impossible.
Thank you so very much for reading my story, and for being here. This was hard to write it all out. I do firmly believe that it’s very helpful to share your story. It’s therapeutic for the writer and the reader as well. I do not intend for this to make anyone sad, uneasy or provoke sympathy. I have, as stated, been through therapy and living a very happy life now. I look forward to the future. I do hope that whatever you’re going through, or have been through, that you too can look forward with hope.
Feel free to reach out with any thoughts on this, or any other of my articles. I love hearing from you. Any questions about hypnotherapy or ideas for a future blog post.
I left part one with all that had happened in 2007, with divorcing and marrying again as a pivotal point of the hardest years to follow.
That marriage was very much a roller coaster ride. He had his own mental health issues that at the time, I felt could be helped once he was able to get the help he needed. I was a new nurse working night shift at a hospital. At this point I loved nursing. I knew as a nurse I would have good health insurance and once he was on the road to getting his issues dealt with by a professional he would be back to the caring soul I used to know. I didn’t know anything about alcoholics or addiction at this time. He worked off and on, he was drinking a lot, self medicating for sure.
The main income was my responsibility. The money seemed to be off, all the time. I couldn’t grasp what was going on. I was new to handling any budget as my first husband was the one in charge and always made it very clear it was his money. I was also going through issues with my young teen daughter that was given the freedom to come and go at either house, her dads or with me in an apartment. At first it was going great, before I married.
I was naïve and trusted my first husband to take care of things and keep to his word. This was my first BIG mistake and the second even worse mistake was marriage number two.
To try to make a long story short and hit the basic points of how difficult these years were; My daughter didn’t want to come around, the new husband was always drunk, obnoxious and was very suspicious of everything and everyone. Money kept disappearing, debt was a part of life, we moved a lot (leaving the details to my autobiography/memoir, which is in the works as well).
This led to us moving out of state, and not seeing my daughter for years. I feel so much guilt around this now. However at the time, I did feel it would help the situation. I always thought things were going to get better in the marriage with each new step, new job or move. That my daughter could visit and I didn’t need to stay in the area where my ex was, where things were only getting worse between her and I. This did not go as hoped. I felt so alone and confused. My marriage was getting more mentally and verbally abusive as time went on. In the early stages even as I was older, I became pregnant and had a miscarriage just past the 3 month mark, so we had told everyone. Of course, that was a blessing in disguise.
My (adult) son was having serious personal issues that also led to a separation between him and I. He was under my care his whole childhood at least. He was living a very unhealthy and dangerous lifestyle. I won’t go into those details, as that is his own story. He is in my life now and we are closer than ever.
My sister was the worst as far as betrayal, and disloyalty. To this day – more than 10 year later our relationship is rocky. Again, more details will be in my book/memoir.
I took classes to go higher in my nursing, going for my BSN but that ended barely before it got started. I wasn’t getting sleep, he was not supportive and I still had to work full time. I thought if I could go higher in my nursing degree I would have better job options. I was always more natural and decided to go for a holistic health course, less stressful and actually therapeutic for me to be in that environment. Learning about energy work, and holistic health modalities. Some spiritual classes as well. I made some great friends there, and one I’m still in touch with to this day. This is where I was introduced to hypnotherapy. I went on to put my focus there, and completed that level one and two course. I had a dream for a healing gardens holistic health center, it never left me. Life had me go through a few more obstacles before I could get close to that dream.
I felt stuck. Looking back, I am shocked I felt that way. I would have been so much better off on my own. I know that I felt guilty, he was in pain himself, deep pain, and I wasn’t able to help him. If I left, it was like leaving a person who developed a physical illness, because it was too hard to deal with. That’s how I felt, until it came to my attention all the lies and drug use.
Near the end he was a monster, a literal monster, not himself at all. I wondered actually if he was possessed. However, in hindsight, having worked in detox and recovery, it was the drugs mixed with alcohol. That last year of our marriage I would come home from a 12 or 16 hour shift at work on the Alzheimer’s unit to him yelling in my face. Being accused of something all the time, he was sure I wasn’t at work. Sometimes he was asleep in the yard, or laying on the kitchen floor with the refrigerator open. I knew he wasn’t safe to be alone. I was very concerned at this point not yet fully realizing all that was going on; I was concerned with the possibility of early onset dementia or some other mental disorder or illness. More often than not he was incoherent and unable to fully care for himself.
I took over his medical care, and got him in to see a few different doctors and mental health professionals. He ended up in one mental health facility after another. Which was not very much easier on me as one might think, other than knowing what I was going to come home to, and able to sleep a little better. I was going to visit him when I was so exhausted and nearing a nervous breakdown myself. I couldn’t get information from his doctors, and I was baffled and frustrated by this. I now know that he would have to have signed papers that said it was okay to share information with his wife, he obviously didn’t want that.
He would come home with new prescriptions and soon go back to the same behaviour or worse. I did everything I knew how to help set up the house to be safer for him and to make sure he took his medications as prescribed etc. Not unlike my Alzheimer’s patients at work.
After the 3rd facility I was sobbing in my car a lot, I was breaking down and exhausted. I was trying to be there for my husband, feeling hopeless and helpless. Until, one of my friends whose husband had worked with him told me to check around the house in his closet or any place he may hide things. I had to pack him some extra clothes since he was staying longer at this facility and as I did I found a little bottle of whiskey in his closet, I then remembered what my friend said and found more bottles all over the house.
I knew I was done at this point. I still didn’t want to leave him until he was set on his own and was equipped to take care of himself or find another place. Everything started coming to light. He came home and I told him what I found and that I was divorcing him, but would let him get on his feet first. I did nothing at all to help him anymore.
Not long after that I came home one day after another long shift at work. He was awake and just in a rage. I went straight to my room and closed the door, no locks on the door so when he opened it I told him to just please leave me alone and then put something in front of the door. That night I ended up being beat up, knocked out in my closet and waking up calling the police to be able to leave. I didn’t remember the details until the following year. I had blocked much of it out until I was able to get some therapy.
I filled my car with a few of my belongings and never went back. I had a friend that I spent two nights on her couch while I got my own place etc. While speaking to my divorce lawyer I found out many lies he had told me about his past. I really didn’t know this person that I married so quickly at all.
I do apologize, this seems to have gotten out of hand. It’s much longer than expected, and I will need to add a part three. Thank you so much for reading up to this point. I hope you will get out of all of this, that it’s okay to share your story, it can be empowering. You are not alone, I know my story is not that different than so many others. I hope some of my red flags that I missed, will empower you to notice yours.
I feel it’s important to share for several reasons. To help others know they are not alone who may have similar backgrounds, and know they too, can get through it. There is always hope. Also to show there is no stigma and shame in telling their own story.
This is part one of my own story of PTSD, high anxiety and deep depression. I’ve shared a few of my past experiences and issues within my articles and posts however never told the whole story. Recently watching podcasts such as “Back on Track” and “Moments of Clarity” have helped me to realize how important it is to share our stories.
I don’t want to make this all gloom and doom or make anyone sad, the good parts will be near the end – I promise. My intention is to tell my story of what I’ve been through in my life, how I got through it all, the insights, breakthroughs and clarity I’ve gained through it all. Also to show what led to where I am today.
I don’t want to write out my whole life story. I’m 54 years old, and until about 4 years ago life had been pretty rough more so than not. So many details will be left unsaid but I will try to hit the areas that had the most impact. Nothing unusual, much of it is all too common. Maybe you will relate with some of this, and my hope is, to show you that you are not alone in your life traumas.
I grew up in the 70’s before the law about “deadbeat dads” my parents divorced when I was 9 years old. With no help from my father whatsoever, my mother did her best to raise 3 daughters. I was left alone most of the time, and often hungry with no food in the house. My sisters were teens and went out with friends and had jobs off and on. We moved often, sometimes having been evicted. I had been sexually assaulted as a kid by a teenage boy and his father in the neighborhood. By people in authority and date raped twice as a teen. I never received any counseling or therapy for any of this as a child. Only recently have I even told anyone about that.
artist Anna Baria
My eldest sister was killed in a car crash at age 18, just 2 days before my 14th birthday. One major thing happened that has stuck with me in a bad way, mainly because it was tied to that memory. An adult told me while we were at the hospital not to cry, they said “don’t you cry, you have to be strong for your mother” I can remember this as if it was yesterday. My mother of course was in hysterics.
I didn’t want to make her more sad or upset, I ended up going into a sort of a shocked, stoic state which actually made my family worry more about me than if I had just cried it out.
To this day I have trouble showing emotion. To this day I try to spare my mother anything that might be upsetting to her.
So growing up without a father figure, without many adults around at all really, no example of a good relationship, or proper family dynamics. I had my first born at age 17, I took this very seriously, I loved my baby, as any mother does no matter the age, and was the best mother I could be. At this time my mother and I became much closer. I went to beauty school mainly because I could do that without a H.S education and take classes in the evenings and on Saturdays – I did eventually obtain my GED while living with my cousin, taking care of her premature infant twins with my young son while she and her husband worked during the day. I loved this time in my life. Even though I was young, taking care of little ones was so rewarding and it just came natural to me.
I worked in day care centers and moved out on my own with my young son. I married a man that ended up being an alcoholic, controlling, verbally and emotionally abusive. I didn’t know how to share my feelings, or show emotions, I didn’t know how to stand up for myself and have any kind of healthy relationship or family unit. One of my friends at the time I was talking about marriage, told me that I was acting as if I was buying a car with a check list of pros/cons.
I had another baby, this time at home. Which was absolutely amazingly wonderful. I wasn’t pleased with my hospital birth with my son and started doing research after that on natural childbirth and midwives.
I did feel like I was a good mother and enjoyed the kids immensely. I used cloth diapers, made my own baby food, did crafts, and school projects. I drove the kids around to friends, had their friends sleep over, made dinners every night, had birthday parties and attended the school functions ( most of this while my husband was at work, or on hunting trips) So I kept my focus there. All the while saying to myself, at least he doesn’t hit me, at least I’m not struggling for food for myself or my children… To live in a marriage with “at least” “at least” “at least” isn’t healthy at all. We moved around a lot ourselves. I’m not sure why honestly. He always wanted something more and better.
My life was much better than it had been during my childhood and although I loved taking care of little ones being a nanny and working in day care, I wanted to do this with my own children. He was always changing his mind, or being contradicting – saying one thing at one time then another. This happened with wanting more children as well as many other things throughout the whole marriage. We both had boys as teens however he didn’t have custody. We did have his son live with us as a teen for a short time. Later that young man lost his life tragically. While he was living with us he told me he had hoped to get to know his father better during this time, but it wasn’t happening. I tried to tell my husband this and he didn’t have anything to say about it. He was working second shift, and out drinking after work.
Painting by Levan Chabukiani
There was no more discussion about more children or not, since he had a vasectomy after our daughter was born.
Not to say the whole marriage was terrible, we got along for the most part, but looking back I felt as though I was walking on eggshells, and avoided him or kept my mouth shut much of the time. I had nothing positive to compare it to.
During this 15 year marriage I had a bout with cancer, and overcame it without chemo. He never would talk to me about it, at all. That was a big turning point for me, at a time I needed my spouse the most, he wasn’t there for me. I was apprenticing with midwives which I loved and we moved away just as I was going strong in my apprenticeship and getting involved in the states midwives association. He viewed my apprenticeship as a hobby. During this time I was also working as a teachers aid in the public school. I think at that time I knew the marriage wasn’t going to be forever.
I went to nursing school just as my baby girl was starting her teens. When I was accepted into nursing school, I knew that was my ticket to independence – I mostly avoided my husband during this time and he was drinking even more. During that same time I started talking to an old friend, a man I had briefly dated in my teens, but was more of a friend back then. He was very caring when I was pregnant and even came to the hospital when I was having my baby at age 17. My baby’s father wasn’t in the picture. We hadn’t spoken in over 20 years. This was the mid 2000’s and social media was just getting popular. He was going through a divorce himself, he is the one that convinced me to try counseling, because my mind was made up and I didn’t want to. Before I even finished my schooling I moved out.
We did try counseling for a short time before that but he wasn’t compliant with the suggestions of the counselor at all. He thought the problem was all mine, stating I needed counseling because I was depressed, and distant, which of course I was. He took no responsibility in the downfall of the marriage.
Without getting into too much detail, the old friend moved across the country and we ended up married in less than a year. Probably the biggest mistake of my life, and in part two you will see why. However only recently have I come realize that was a catalyst to where I am now.
This was 2007. Within that year, my father passed away from a brain aneurysm, I had my finals for nursing school, graduated, and passed my state boards, divorced, moved out from a 15 year marriage and remarried to a man I barely knew.( phew) I still am pretty surprised I did, although I now understand that I felt alone. We were living in the area where my husband was from and I had made very little friends, It was a small town and I was always an outsider. He was pretty well known and worked for the state. I latched on to this old friend mistaking familiarity for love. I didn’t realize at that time who or what he really was. It was all a very confusing time.
I will leave this as part one, and continue part two in my next post.
Thank you for reading, and for being here, please feel free to share your story. I’m here for you. Please always feel free to reach out any time with any questions or concerns. If you have any ideas for future article, I’d love to hear your ideas.
More to come…. I hope you come back to read part two. The worst and the best is yet to come.
In this (part two) I will give a very brief description of some of these types of therapies and treatments.
These will include, but not limited to; Acupuncture, Art therapy, Ayurveda, CBD and Cannabis, Diet/nutrition, Herbal supplements, Meditation, Reiki, Sensory deprivation, Sound therapy. Please know the list of alternative, complementary and holistic modalities is almost endless, and can be convoluted. I’m writing here just a basic list to help you get an idea of some of what’s available as an introduction. This is by no means a completed list. I’ve included links within this article to help you on your own search.
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) technique that uses very thin needles just in the surface of your skin, which is said to stimulate specific points around the body. Acupuncturists are nationally certified and in some states must be licensed. Acupressure is using these same points however using pressure rather than needles.
Art Therapy somewhat self explanatory, using any art form whether as part of other therapy or on its own as a form of releasing emotions, expressing thoughts and feelings through art. I have used art to help me with balance and creative expression in my own life. As with writing this can be very revealing and surprising what actually comes out.
Art By Pamela Topjian (one of my own paintings)
Ayurveda is said to be one of the oldest holistic forms of medicines and treatments. It is all inclusive. Integrating other forms of alternative medicine and treatments. Ayurveda has its roots in India and translates to “The Science (or knowledge) of Life” In Sanskrit. The concepts of universal interconnectedness, the body’s constitution (prakriti), and life forces (doshas) are the primary basis of ayurvedic medicine.
CBD and Cannabis, comes from the marijuana plant. Which is known more for recreational use in the past decades, now becoming more widely recognized for its medicinal properties. This comes in many forms from oils, creams, tinctures, or the leaves right from the plant can be dried and smoked like tobacco. CBD is is formed without the THC which has less side effects and is legal everywhere. Other forms of the marijuana plant which has the THC is not legal everywhere. A lot of changes have recently been made and studies for medicinal use.
Diet and nutrition is based on eating fresh, natural whole food to get your essential nutrients. Many healing properties have been found in our foods, herbs and spices. There are some diseases that are almost completely reversible by diet alone. You can do your own research, however there are nutritionists and even holistic nutritionists that are certified and licensed.
Hypnotherapy uses hypnosis in a therapeutic model. Relaxing the body with a tone of voice and soothing repeated words, while addressing the subconscious mind to aid in healing. A trained hypnotherapist will have at least 200 hours of practice and classroom time to become certified.
Unfortunately there are some quick day workshops that will give a certificate of completion for hypnotherapy. You can find more information here on training, approved schools and the exam process here: (Please know not all that claim to be Certified hypnotherapists are create equal) More information can be found in one of my first articles “What is hypnotherapy” that gives a basic overview here:
Meditation (and prayer) Connecting with your inner self, or your higher self or your higher power can be very helpful in your own healing. Many types of meditations: guided, focused, chanting, walking, group or a still quiet meditation going deep within on your own. Something I do daily. Whatever is right and true for you in your personal beliefs will guide you on how you can use prayer in your overall health and wellbeing. See my article on finding your own spiritual truth here:
Reiki is an very old Japanese energy healing modality using universal life force energy to be a channel for healing and overall well being. The Reiki practitioner goes through classes from a Reiki master, and practices on others before receiving attunements from the reiki master. In person it is a laying on of hands or just above the body, while channeling universal energy. With distance Reiki the idea is that energy knows no space or time and the recipient only need be open to receiving and the practitioner goes through a ritual to send the energy to anyone, anywhere. I have obtained my level one and will be receiving my attunement late December 2020.
Sensory deprivation is the idea that by removing all senses in a float tank with Epsom salts and skin temperature water you have a meditative experience, and quiet the mind. This is also healing on the physical body with the Epsom salt soak and deep relaxation that helps to reduce anxiety, stress and pain. I personally love this, and have visited True Rest ( many times.
Sound therapy. Sound is a vibration and can have an effect on our own vibrations and energy field, as well as brain waves. There are many types of sound therapy from just basically changing your mood with your favorite song. Crystal bowls, copper bowls, drumming, different levels of hertz (Hz) frequencies.
Nature is our refillable prescription (artist unknown)
Even with two parts I know this is long. Thank you for reading. I tried to keep it brief, just as a basic list for anyone beginning their journey in taking a more natural, holistic, approach to their healing. Much more information can be found on the National Center for Complementary and integrative health website
I have taken holistic health classes for basic overview and introduction to many forms of CAMs, natural and holistic health at South West Institute of Healing Arts. I was introduced to Hypnotherapy during those classes, and started focusing there. My hope and dream is to offer many of these modalities for and with my own clients and open a breakthrough mental health center.
Thank you so much, once again for being here and reading. Please feel free to reach out anytime using the contact form on the home page or email directly at
Complementary is by definition “Combining in such a way as to enhance or emphasize the qualities of each other or another” While Alternative is defined as “ Available as another possibility.” Complementary and alternative medications and treatments are usually put in the category of esoteric, energy, new age or in more slang lingo, “Woo-woo” type of therapies.
Truth is, western medicine is newer on the scene of healing than the more holistic, natural and old world treatments. Many of us are aware of the issues surrounding western medicines and the modern health care system, especially in the US. These issues have led many to seek out another way.
How do you know which is right for you, how do you know what is safe and effective or which may be more harmful than helpful? Your traditional medical doctor will not have this knowledge, without extra education or training than their medical training. However, there are Naturopathic and homeopathic practitioners and Doctors which will have this knowledge and training.
There are many paths to healing. Nothing that is going to be the best for all. We have to take our own health, including mental health, into our own hands, to an extent. However you don’t have to go it alone. You will need to have patience, and diligence if you’re serious about finding what’s best for you. You will have to do some research to find out what is best for you. This may include making an appointment just to interview a few of the practitioners that appeal to you. This includes soul searching. Checking in with yourself, through hypnotherapy, meditation or prayer. A walk or hike, yoga … many different ways to check in with yourself.
Write it out. Writing out what you need and want to get out of your health care, including mental health care. Write down what you like and don’t like about your current or past providers or treatments, medications or modalities. Writing something out is more powerful than it may seem. We think, “Oh I know how I feel, I don’t need to write it out” but you may be surprised at what actually ends up on the paper. I had a client share with me some amazing creative writing, journaling and art after a hypnotherapy session. I love when my clients share with me!
I’m writing this here to share some basic information on complementary and alternative treatments. I may have veered off a bit onto the physical health side, however I fully believe the mind body connection is strong and powerful. A huge part of why I am so passionate about hypnotherapy! We need to start thinking of our mental health care the same as we think of our physical health care. Don’t wait until you have a complete break down or find yourself in a mental health crisis. Physical health and mental health is very much connected, its an ongoing maintenance. Balance is key.
Artist Adelaide Marcus “As above so below”
“As within so without, as above so below.” The origin of this saying goes back to ancient times.
I am a nurse as well as hypnotherapist. While I do not practice my nursing, diagnose, or treat as a nurse within my hypnotherapy practice, I cannot help but to let that part of me out once in a while. Please see my article about why I left nursing :
In part two I will discuss a little more specifically about a few of the many complementary and alternative medicines, treatments, therapies, and modalities. These will include, but not limited to; Acupuncture, Art therapy, Ayurveda, CBD and Cannabis, Diet/nutrition, Herbal supplements, Meditation, Reiki, Sensory deprivation, Sound therapy.
Please always feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. With anything you would like me to discuss here, or what you thought about this or other articles. I love hearing from you. There is a contact form on the home page, you may send a message through my social media accounts if you’re on there (links also on the home page) or email me directly at
Chances are pretty high that you will make it through whatever you’re going through now.
If you’re reading this, you already made it through some dark times, even your worst. The chances are pretty high that you will make it through this one, or the next one too. Your survival rate to this point is 100%!
What some consider their darkest days can be very different from what others experience. It’s like pain – you cannot compare or think that someone didn’t have it so bad or that your situation is, or was, so much worse. Or that they have it so much worse than you and you must be weak and so on. It’s not a contest, and there is no measurement. The truth is, we will all at some point go through what we consider to be our darkest days. This is part of the human experience. Most of us go through some awful time and think that was the worst we will have to endure. Only to later in life experience something even more dark and traumatizing. If you can make it out, you have proved to yourself how strong you are, how resilient you are. Own that, latch onto it if you need to. Wow, I never thought I would be where I am now or even, looking back I cannot believe I did or didn’t do this or that…. Whatever it is, allow yourself to be proud of even the small steps. The one constant thing is change, wherever you are there is hope and a big chance that change is coming.
If you know me you know I love my metaphors, but they are so true! The mighty oak tree will grow its roots deeper and stronger through every storm. I absolutely believe it’s the same for us. “That which doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” but that which doesn’t kill you will also make you more humble and compassionate. It will also help you to begin to help others going through similar situations. Once you can truly empathize and say to someone, “I know, I’ve been there”, you can really help someone believe in themselves, and therefore have hope. Of course some will not think that you really know, and you really can’t know exactly, but you can say “I’ve been through some dark times, and never thought I’d live to tell about it, but I did, and I have faith that you will too.”
If you can share your story you never know how many you inspire and help along the way. I am currently watching a new podcast you tube channel Back On Track Podcast with many such inspiring stories. I have my own and may see if they want to share mine as well.
I wholeheartedly believe that going through some really rough times in my life has helped me to be much better at what I do to help others.
What are some ways you have made it through? Please feel free to share.
As for me, I did utilize those crisis text lines. (Crisis text lines: US and CA 741-741 UK 85258) I made a big move, sold just about all my possessions and got on a bus across the country and I did what I could to not have to be a single woman on the streets. I did house and pet sitting and in home caregiving jobs. I have regrets that I could have, or should have done better. However, I’m very proud of myself that I was able to stay off the streets, never turned to any substance and was able to help others in a small way at least, in the process. I received therapy and yes, vented a lot on social media.
I did not talk very openly or deeply with friends and family, which I now wish I would have. I know we are embarrassed or can feel like a burden, but your loved ones, be them friends or family can be very helpful, even if it’s just a listening ear. Please don’t assume that those that ignore you or don’t respond are not your “real friends” or don’t care. They may be going through so much themselves they can’t handle any more at that moment. They may feel helpless and unsure how to help. So you may need to tell your loved ones that you just need to vent or to not be alone, or that you need some food and are not in any condition to go out or cook/prepare anything – or maybe even to take you out to go for a walk. Be sure they know that you’re not asking them to solve your issues. Reaching out is so important and something I didn’t do enough. Please don’t suffer in silence.
Pets and animals help us when we’re down, they also help to have something we need to do, to get us out of bed. Growing things, taking care of plants even can be helpful. Of course we have all heard this, but I have to mention getting outside, staying hydrated and making sure you’re eating, better yet, eating healthy. Reading, music, journaling etc.
I do know all too well, in the darkest days (and mostly nights) we can be paralized, so wracked with fear, anxiety, panic even, so depressed that self care is the last thing we think about.
Of course Hypnotherapy will help you through as well. I do offer one free sample session to see how it feels and if its right for you. I do many phone sessions so you can stay in bed and not have to worry about going anywhere, complete privacy and if you have pets, they love the sessions too – just set the appointment, let me call you and you just put me on speaker or wear earbuds. Please see my *article archived from June about what hypnotherapy is and what to expect in a session with me. * What is Hypnotherapy?
So, you have made it through your darkest times, congratulations! You do deserve to pat yourself on the back, and accept my virtual pat on the back as well.
Please know you can make it through whatever life throws at you!
I do hope this has helped some of you. Please let me know, what has helped you, or share your story. Comment below or send a message if you’re more private. Your confidentiality is always respected. I am a nurse as well, and hold high HIPAA standards for all my clients. I have a contact form on the home page, and I welcome emails as well – I love hearing from you all.
Ancestral Reverence, honoring our ancestors; at this time of year, the day of the dead, all saints or all souls day, Samhain or any other celebrations, holidays around this time of year as “the veil thins” Halloween in the US, which is what I grew up “celebrating” I decided to write about showing respect and honoring our ancestors. I have written an article on Ancestral healing previously, mostly about healing lines of pain, forgiveness and letting go.
This is something different here;
When we think of our ancestors we may think of our recently deceased, the grandparents and great grandparents. Those we may have photos and names for. Do you ever consider the one whose names may have been forgotten? The ones whose names and photos may be lost or packed away somewhere? Who are they, who were they? Does it matter?
Even if we do not feel close to our family, or we are adopted, or there is abuse in our family history, we can still honor those that came before us. We are, after all, of their bones, and DNA, our cells are from their cells. By honoring those that came before us we are making connections, we are healing deep rooted pain not only for us, but for those ancestors and our future generations as well. We are all connected. I firmly believe we are all connected not only to each other, but across our ancestral lineage, behind and ahead of us. Our intentions, our actions and our lives matter. You matter, as much as any ancestor or future generation. You cannot help but to send the ripples of waves from your life in all directions.
Ancestral Lineage Painting by Pamela Topjian (me)
If you know of no abuse or pain from those that came before you in your family line, if you wish to make a connection to show reverence and honor them on this day, this the time of year that many believe the veil thins, there are many ways in which to do this.
If you look through history you will find many rituals through many cultures and beliefs when it comes to honoring the dead, the ancestors and when is the best time of year or even day to do this. Do you practice any rituals, or celebrate this time of year in any way?
~ * ~
I am launching a new Hypnotherapy program within the next few days for ancestral connections – whether there is healing to be done, or you want to feel more connected, receive or send messages, this is all possible through hypnotherapy. Gives another meaning to “Breakthrough Hypnotherapy” doesn’t it?
Consultations are always free of charge, all are conducted by phone or zoom at this time. I always have evening and weekend appointments available for your convenience.
Please feel free to reach out anytime with any questions or concerns. I love to hear from you all. Thank you for reading, thank you for being here. Please check out some of the other articles. Go back to June or July in the archives to read more about hypnotherapy and what to expect in a session with me. Check the testimonials page as well. If you have had any sessions with me and your testimonial isn’t already there, feel free to send me one through the contact form on the home page, or email.
Thank you once again. Please take care, inside and out .
My nursing career, summed up in one word, was frustrating. I am a nurturer and healer by nature. I was a young mother, I took being a mom very seriously and loved every minute of it. Then I went on to care for premature infant twins as a live-in nanny, day care centers and eventually apprenticed with homebirth midwives. From there is when I went into nursing. All of those jobs and experiences I absolutely loved. In 2007 I graduated NMU Northern Michigan University, and passed the state boards for licensed practical/vocational nurse. (LPN/LVN)
I noticed right away the lack of time and resources for genuine care, to be able to really do all we had learned in a way that was safe and effective for all involved. A lot of my training in my first job in a hospital was unlearning what I had learned in school. Parts of the job were fulfilling and felt productive, mostly not. Mostly it was, well, frustrating. Almost always understaffed, working long hours with very few real breaks. Every nurse will tell you they sometimes don’t eat at all in a shift, or even use the restroom. It’s a common joke in nursing. Yet we wear it like a badge of honor, we have had every kind of body fluid on us, we have seen (and smelled) things most would faint or vomit from.
I saw a lot of what I wasn’t supposed to see, or maybe ever talk about. There is a lot of corruption, there is a lot of mismanagement and uncaring people at the top.
Most nurses I know are very caring people, work very hard and genuinely care for their patients. I’ve also worked with a few that are totally burned out. Which is where I was getting to the point of. I had other serious issues going on in my life at the time I realized I was starting to burn out myself.
I had decided to go to a holistic health school before I started getting to this point of burnout. I have always been more natural in my self care and care of my children, ( I even had given birth at home with my second baby) I felt uneasy about all the medications and treatments in the western modern medical model. I wasn’t sure that I was really doing the best for the patients, even by following the Dr.’s orders and doing everything according to the rules and regulations. I was hoping to get into more of a natural, holistic modality of nursing, or at least patient care. That was 2010 and I was introduced to Hypnotherapy during those classes. I was amazed at the deep healing and life changes I saw happening. Hypnotherapy was just about always a positive experience for all involved. I always kept that in the back of my mind. I knew, or at least hoped, one day. Other than what was required for the classes, working with the public, I also practiced some with friends and family and a few others over the years. I did some group sessions for a recovery center and even used hypnotherapy with my patients some on overnight shifts. Just helping them to relax, or have less anxiety.
Mostly I left nursing because near the end I couldn’t handle the death of babies, or little ones having to live in such sick bodies. I came across times I felt my license was in jeopardy by being asked (or ordered) to do things in ways I knew was not legal or more importantly safe for all involved. I felt my life was in danger a few times. (as most nurses have) Nursing 12-16 hour shifts with 20-40 patients at a time ruined my hands, I have a type of degenerative arthritis that gets worse with use. I had one Dr. tell me I should get out of nursing to save my hands – that was about 2014.
I was at the edge of burnout, if not already there. I was definitely at the very least disgruntled with nursing, when Hypnotherapy came back into my life. I had everything showing me I needed to go in this direction; dreams, synchronicities – breakthroughs in hypnotherapy sessions and meditations.
It’s a huge relief not to be in that tough spot, it’s an honor and privilege to know I’m helping people to heal in deeper ways that will stick with them and truly change their lives for the better.
I feel like I am making a difference now, I know this is my true calling and purpose. I never felt that strongly about my nursing career. I do need to say that I have a deep respect for all those in the medical field that have found a way to make it work for them, that truly are making a difference, there are many, I know a few of them. I have dear friends that are amazing nurses. I salute you, but it’s not for me.
To show my respect, to give back and help prevent burnout in others, I have a standing offer for all medical and healthcare staff for one free phone hypnotherapy session per month – contact me if you’re interested. If you are feeling burned out in your career or unsure if the path you are on is right for you hypnotherapy can help you go deep within to find the answers.
Thank you so much for being here. Any questions at all or suggestions for future articles, feel free to reach out anytime. or you can use the contact form on the home page
Healing the inner child, and Inner child work. How do I know if my inner child needs healing?
So often I have clients that come to me for help with a specific issue, to realize down the road it all is rooted in childhood. It may not be any traumatic event or abuse, it may just be limiting beliefs, or values, passed down. It may be a lack of coping skills or inability to share or show love openly. It may even be just one thing that was said, overheard or that you saw as a child, that was misunderstood, or was confusing for a child that stuck with you, and left a block deep down.
A personal example is when a good friend of my mothers told me “Don’t you cry! You have to be strong for your mother!” This woman has since passed on. Yes, she was in the wrong for giving me that advice, especially when it was at the hospital when my sister was killed in a car accident when I was 13 years old. That lead to a life long inability, or reluctance to share my feelings or show emotions. I also kept things from my mother to save her feelings. Why this woman said that to me at that time was probably something in her that needed healing, and I’m sure she never meant for me to carry that with me the rest of my life. I can only guess, but I do know she had no ill intent, and it was her own issues from where that advice came from.
Not many of us have had the perfect childhood. Many of us have good childhood memories, and yet, far too many have had a traumatic childhood. Whatever your childhood experience was, or was not, the inner child in you will benefit from a connection. We all have parents who were only human (most of us anyway) with their own baggage that they may have raised us with. Nobody is perfect, and cannot be, we cannot expect perfection from anyone, including ourselves. Unfortunately we cannot go back and change the past, but we can do our best to heal, so we can move forward in life without the same old blocks and baggage that has been passed down to us, perhaps for generations.
Artist, Autumn Skye Morrison
Inner child work.
Some ways that you can help your inner child is by writing a letter to them. What do you wish they knew at the time, what do you want to tell them about who you are now.
Add some form of play into your life. What was your favorite game or toy as a kid, when was the last time you just played? Get outdoors, put your toes in the sand or the grass. Start a sport, see if you can play a game without keeping score, just for the fun of it. Get out the crayons, or paints without concern for the outcome, just have fun. Use color and shapes to play and express your feelings or create a fantasy world with unrealistic characters. Sing, play some music and dance or just move your body to the music without regard for how well your moves are or what anyone thinks.
Another way is to think of one person that you knew without a doubt loved you fully and unconditionally as a child. Now imagine from that person’s perspective, how they view you, and all the love they feel. What would that person say to you now? Just allow yourself to imagine, or daydream.
Hypnotherapy can help.
During Hypnotherapy sessions we can break through to the blocks and obstacles, to be able to release them. We can give your inner child what they needed to hear way back then, or ask them what they need to tell the adult you. We can show that little one inside of you that you are there for them now, and they are not alone. If you’re not sure what is needed or what might help your inner child, we can find those answers for you. Your subconscious mind is the voice within, it is your inner knowing and your very own, personal inner wisdom. It has been with you forever and has the answers.
When you’re ready, contact me for a free consultation to address any questions or concerns and find out how hypnotherapy can help you – let’s have a chat, and even a sample session if you would like to see how it feels before you make any decisions. There is never any obligation or pressure, your information is always kept confidential.
Thank you so very much for being here. I always love to hear what you think of the articles. Any thoughts you have about anything here, or even suggestions for other articles.
Please take care, inside and out.
– Pamela CHt
Contact me with any concerns or questions or to schedule your free consultation. Use the contact form on the home page, or email me directly at
You may also text anytime at all, or call and leave a message. 916-400-0889
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