Self-discovery is a deeply personal, and ongoing journey. there are several approaches you can take to explore and understand yourself better. Here are some methods to guide you along on your journey. These are in no particular order, except for number one.
- Journaling
Journaling absolutely has to be the number one way to help you along in your self discovery journey. If you are someone who has trouble journaling. Start with some prompts. Write out what you’re thinking about just as you’re first waking up, or just before going to sleep.
Some prompts to get you started:
“What life events, or circumstances changed your life”
“What is your biggest fear”
“An activity that is most joyful to you”
“An activity/topic of interest do I lose myself in”
“Who do you admire and why”
“What challenges you have overcome or what was the most challenging time in your life”
“What have been your biggest accomplishments in life”
2. Meditation/Prayer
“Prayer is speaking to God, while meditation is listening to God.” A few different people are credited with this quote.
Prayer can be a way to communicate with whatever/whoever is your higher power, your guides, even the universe “put it out to the universe” Prayer isn’t just used as a form of any specific religious practice. You can reach out in prayer to whatever energy, beings, gods, goddesses, guides etc. you feel can help bring you clarity or assist you on your journey.
Meditation is a way (much like Hypnotherapy) to reflect deep within yourself to gain clarity or even to see what comes up for you. Sitting in silent, still meditation can help you learn about yourself as much as guided meditations.
3. Personality Assessments
There are several types of personality assessments online. A couple of the more well known ones are the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the Enneagram test. Love language tests can also be very helpful in learning about yourself.
Please know that as you go through life, having different experiences, growing, and learning and your answers may change. So if you have taken any of these in the past, I encourage you to take it again.
Even as you go through the test, regardless of the outcome, just answering the questions can be very helpful in your self discovery journey.
4. Values.
How are you living your life according to your values?
An exercise that will help you gain clarity on this is to write out your values, then narrow it down to 3-5. Ask yourself how your life shows that these are your most important values in life. Check in with yourself to see if anything you do regularly goes against these values. (this can also be a good journaling exercise)
5. Creative Expression
Any art form, even singing, dancing, decorating, organizing, writing… the list is just about endless. This can help you understand what truly fulfills you, what you get lost in the flow of doing, and in turn help you to understand yourself better.
6. Shadow Work
Carl Jung’s concept of the shadow is very basically, recognizing parts of yourself that you’ve repressed or denied. This takes being open and candid with yourself.
– Reflect on your triggers, fears, or perceived negative traits to better understand how they impact your life.(another great journaling exercise)
Another great exercise to help with your shadow self is to think of a person you really don’t like at all. What are the main issues with this person?
Narrow it down to 3 or 5 traits that you really dislike about this person. Then ask yourself which of these might also be a trait of mine, or which of these am I feeling shame or triggered by the most – then explore that.
7. Therapy or Counseling
There are many forms and types of therapy. Nothing is right for everyone. I do believe everyone can benefit from some sort of therapy or counseling. Even if you just go in because you’re feeling disconnected from yourself, or feeling lost lately. Unsure of who you really are at the core level. You may have some trauma that still needs to be worked through. No matter the actual reason you go for therapy or counseling, it will be helpful in your self discovery journey.
8. New Experiences
Get out of your comfort Zone. Within reason – you want to make sure you’re safe. Some comfort zones are personal protection. So be mindful of staying safe.
I’m talking about trying something new, something of interest that you never tried. Attend a class or sign up for a course, a group activity you found on Meet-Up or social media.
Try a holistic modality or method that sounds interesting to you. (please see “Holistic Connections” playlist on my youtube channel)
9. Reading & Learning
Plenty of self-help books out there. Also you can learn about yourself by learning about psychology, philosophy, and spirituality.
You can also learn a lot about yourself by reading others biographies or memoirs Reading about others’ lives can help you to reflect on your own journey, and give you a new perspective.
10. Spiritual Exploration
Explore spiritual and/or religious practices: Whether through religion, philosophy, or alternative spiritual paths. It’s always good to learn about different beliefs and rituals. You can learn a lot about yourself by reflecting on what feels right or true within yourself as your learning.
Also some more journal prompts. “Who am I?” and “What is my purpose?” “do I believe in God, why or why not.” “Where do these beliefs come from?”
I have a video on my YouTube channel titled “How to find what’s right and true for you on your spiritual path” Many other videos on my YouTube that may help in your self discovery journey, including one with this same list. Please check out the play list tab for all the self help and self care videos there. Plenty of guided visualizations and meditations are there as well.
I hope this has helped get you started on your self discovery journey. Always feel free to reach out. You may use the contact form on the home page or email me at Pamela@HypnoBreakthrough.com
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