Middle aged women are asking themselves, Now What? Are you a middle aged woman, considering Hypnotherapy but unsure what you can expect? I will break it down for you here, however always feel free to reach out with any other questions you may have.
A time of Transition and Uncertainty
During this second, or third phase of life you may be going through a time of transition. This may leave you feeling lost, or confused. Your life is changing a lot right now, and you find yourself asking yourself “Who am I becoming?” or “What is my purpose in life now?”
This uncertainty can sometimes lead to unhealthy life habits, such as over eating or drinking. Staying up later and not getting good sleep or exercise. This can leave you with a lack of motivation, or inspiration. Sometimes this can even lead to deeper issues with depression or anxiety.
Finding yourself feeling sick, and tired. Sick and tired of living this way, or with a lack of purpose or quality of life. Wondering at this point, if you need a doctor, or therapist, maybe just a vacation or a good dinner party.
Negativity: You may see posts on social media of some of your friends, getting negative and complaining about the same issues. You may even find yourself doing this more often than you would like. Venting can be helpful, however it can become a habit that doesn’t actually produce any real change.
You may hear or see someone mention hypnotherapy. Maybe in a blog post or article, such as this and wonder what it’s all about. It’s time to take some action and reach out… but now what, is it safe, what can you expect from hypnotherapy?

Consultation: This is what the consultation is for, giving you the opportunity to ask any questions, and to learn about hypnotherapy. Allowing you to get a feel for if its going to be a good fit for you, and if we’re a good fit to work with each other.
You may be concerned that don’t know if you can meditate or “Be hypnotized’ so you might be unsure if this is going to help you. In my consultations, I offer a free sample session for simple relaxation or stress reduction, so you can see for yourself how it feels, before you make any commitments. You can then be more relaxed and ready for your first full session, if you decide this is the route you would like to take. Rather than being concerned about what to expect during the first one. Your first full session will be much like your sample session only longer. I may add in some wording that will be beneficial to you from our talk about your concerns, or what changes you would like to see in your life.
Future focus: I focus much more on the future than the past. Many traditional therapists you may find yourself talking endlessly about the past. While some people need that, for several reasons, with hypnotherapy we can add in some regression techniques if I think that’s a direction that will be of benefit for you, but also progression techniques within our sessions to focus on where you want to be. We go beyond the surface level of diminishing unhealthy habits.
When we see how you respond to each session, and in between, that will help guide me to tailor your next session to your specific needs, and what technique is working best for you.
How many sessions will you need? On average most see some significant changes within 3 sessions. With 3-6 sessions total being the usual. However, we never know how receptive you will be. Some issues stem from childhood and are deeply rooted. You will know after a few sessions if you will benefit from a more extensive amount of sessions. While others are where they want to be in life after just 2-3 sessions. This may also depend on if you are also getting other types of therapy or treatments during the same time we’re working together.
What happens in a session? For the actual session, you are asked to go to a in a nice comfortable space, make sure that you can hear me without having to hold the phone, and to be sure you won’t be disturbed. You may play some soft music without lyrics in the background if you like.
You are assured that you will always be in complete control, and may stop the session if need be, for any reason whatsoever. At the very least, during your sample session you will feel relaxed. Many report they have never felt so relaxed or calm. Some people report seeing visions, as in a dream state, some people get a sense of overall balance and wellbeing. Some feel physical sensations such as tingling, melting, or even floating.
After just a few full sessions, you will begin to notice solutions and answers coming to you from within your own inner guidance during the sessions, or more likely in between. I highly encourage journaling, this will help you to notice all the life changes, even the small, but impactful ones. You may notice that you are able to listen to your own inner guidance. Maybe you start a meditation practice, or a new interest or hobby. You may find yourself stepping out of your comfort zone, and being excited about it. A calm curiosity, rather than anxiety.

You’re finding yourself enjoying life, responding to stress in a healthier way, and noticing an improved sense of overall wellbeing.
In conclusion; Hypnotherapy is a safe, holistic, mindful and gentle modality that can assist in overall wellbeing, no matter where you are in your life. Simple issues, to deeper ones, and even life changing transformations. Reach out, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
FREE Consultation: Contact me to schedule your free consultation, which includes that complimentary sample session as well. you may leave a comment here, or fill out the contact from on the home page, or email me directly at Pamela@HypnoBreakthrough.com
All sessions are by phone or zoom, in complete confidentiality, safety, and comfort of your own home.
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