In part one I discussed complementary and alternative medications and treatments. What this means, as well as taking your health, including mental health into your own hands to a degree. Having patience and diligence to do your own research to find out what is best for you. Read part one here:
In this (part two) I will give a very brief description of some of these types of therapies and treatments.
These will include, but not limited to; Acupuncture, Art therapy, Ayurveda, CBD and Cannabis, Diet/nutrition, Herbal supplements, Meditation, Reiki, Sensory deprivation, Sound therapy. Please know the list of alternative, complementary and holistic modalities is almost endless, and can be convoluted. I’m writing here just a basic list to help you get an idea of some of what’s available as an introduction. This is by no means a completed list. I’ve included links within this article to help you on your own search.
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) technique that uses very thin needles just in the surface of your skin, which is said to stimulate specific points around the body. Acupuncturists are nationally certified and in some states must be licensed. Acupressure is using these same points however using pressure rather than needles.
Art Therapy somewhat self explanatory, using any art form whether as part of other therapy or on its own as a form of releasing emotions, expressing thoughts and feelings through art. I have used art to help me with balance and creative expression in my own life. As with writing this can be very revealing and surprising what actually comes out.

Ayurveda is said to be one of the oldest holistic forms of medicines and treatments. It is all inclusive. Integrating other forms of alternative medicine and treatments. Ayurveda has its roots in India and translates to “The Science (or knowledge) of Life” In Sanskrit. The concepts of universal interconnectedness, the body’s constitution (prakriti), and life forces (doshas) are the primary basis of ayurvedic medicine.
CBD and Cannabis, comes from the marijuana plant. Which is known more for recreational use in the past decades, now becoming more widely recognized for its medicinal properties. This comes in many forms from oils, creams, tinctures, or the leaves right from the plant can be dried and smoked like tobacco. CBD is is formed without the THC which has less side effects and is legal everywhere. Other forms of the marijuana plant which has the THC is not legal everywhere. A lot of changes have recently been made and studies for medicinal use.
Diet and nutrition is based on eating fresh, natural whole food to get your essential nutrients. Many healing properties have been found in our foods, herbs and spices. There are some diseases that are almost completely reversible by diet alone. You can do your own research, however there are nutritionists and even holistic nutritionists that are certified and licensed.
Hypnotherapy uses hypnosis in a therapeutic model. Relaxing the body with a tone of voice and soothing repeated words, while addressing the subconscious mind to aid in healing. A trained hypnotherapist will have at least 200 hours of practice and classroom time to become certified.
Unfortunately there are some quick day workshops that will give a certificate of completion for hypnotherapy. You can find more information here on training, approved schools and the exam process here: (Please know not all that claim to be Certified hypnotherapists are create equal) More information can be found in one of my first articles “What is hypnotherapy” that gives a basic overview here:
Meditation (and prayer) Connecting with your inner self, or your higher self or your higher power can be very helpful in your own healing. Many types of meditations: guided, focused, chanting, walking, group or a still quiet meditation going deep within on your own. Something I do daily. Whatever is right and true for you in your personal beliefs will guide you on how you can use prayer in your overall health and wellbeing. See my article on finding your own spiritual truth here:
Reiki is an very old Japanese energy healing modality using universal life force energy to be a channel for healing and overall well being. The Reiki practitioner goes through classes from a Reiki master, and practices on others before receiving attunements from the reiki master. In person it is a laying on of hands or just above the body, while channeling universal energy. With distance Reiki the idea is that energy knows no space or time and the recipient only need be open to receiving and the practitioner goes through a ritual to send the energy to anyone, anywhere. I have obtained my level one and will be receiving my attunement late December 2020.
Sensory deprivation is the idea that by removing all senses in a float tank with Epsom salts and skin temperature water you have a meditative experience, and quiet the mind. This is also healing on the physical body with the Epsom salt soak and deep relaxation that helps to reduce anxiety, stress and pain. I personally love this, and have visited True Rest ( many times.
Sound therapy. Sound is a vibration and can have an effect on our own vibrations and energy field, as well as brain waves. There are many types of sound therapy from just basically changing your mood with your favorite song. Crystal bowls, copper bowls, drumming, different levels of hertz (Hz) frequencies.

Even with two parts I know this is long. Thank you for reading. I tried to keep it brief, just as a basic list for anyone beginning their journey in taking a more natural, holistic, approach to their healing. Much more information can be found on the National Center for Complementary and integrative health website
I have taken holistic health classes for basic overview and introduction to many forms of CAMs, natural and holistic health at South West Institute of Healing Arts. I was introduced to Hypnotherapy during those classes, and started focusing there. My hope and dream is to offer many of these modalities for and with my own clients and open a breakthrough mental health center.
Thank you so much, once again for being here and reading. Please feel free to reach out anytime using the contact form on the home page or email directly at
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