Ancestral Reverence, honoring our ancestors; at this time of year, the day of the dead, all saints or all souls day, Samhain or any other celebrations, holidays around this time of year as “the veil thins” Halloween in the US, which is what I grew up “celebrating” I decided to write about showing respect and honoring our ancestors. I have written an article on Ancestral healing previously, mostly about healing lines of pain, forgiveness and letting go.
This is something different here;
When we think of our ancestors we may think of our recently deceased, the grandparents and great grandparents. Those we may have photos and names for. Do you ever consider the one whose names may have been forgotten? The ones whose names and photos may be lost or packed away somewhere? Who are they, who were they? Does it matter?
Even if we do not feel close to our family, or we are adopted, or there is abuse in our family history, we can still honor those that came before us. We are, after all, of their bones, and DNA, our cells are from their cells. By honoring those that came before us we are making connections, we are healing deep rooted pain not only for us, but for those ancestors and our future generations as well. We are all connected. I firmly believe we are all connected not only to each other, but across our ancestral lineage, behind and ahead of us. Our intentions, our actions and our lives matter. You matter, as much as any ancestor or future generation. You cannot help but to send the ripples of waves from your life in all directions.

If you know of no abuse or pain from those that came before you in your family line, if you wish to make a connection to show reverence and honor them on this day, this the time of year that many believe the veil thins, there are many ways in which to do this.
If you look through history you will find many rituals through many cultures and beliefs when it comes to honoring the dead, the ancestors and when is the best time of year or even day to do this. Do you practice any rituals, or celebrate this time of year in any way?
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I am launching a new Hypnotherapy program within the next few days for ancestral connections – whether there is healing to be done, or you want to feel more connected, receive or send messages, this is all possible through hypnotherapy. Gives another meaning to “Breakthrough Hypnotherapy” doesn’t it?
Consultations are always free of charge, all are conducted by phone or zoom at this time. I always have evening and weekend appointments available for your convenience.
Please feel free to reach out anytime with any questions or concerns. I love to hear from you all. Thank you for reading, thank you for being here. Please check out some of the other articles. Go back to June or July in the archives to read more about hypnotherapy and what to expect in a session with me. Check the testimonials page as well. If you have had any sessions with me and your testimonial isn’t already there, feel free to send me one through the contact form on the home page, or email.
Thank you once again. Please take care, inside and out .
Pamela CHt
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