Healing the inner child, and Inner child work. How do I know if my inner child needs healing?
So often I have clients that come to me for help with a specific issue, to realize down the road it all is rooted in childhood. It may not be any traumatic event or abuse, it may just be limiting beliefs, or values, passed down. It may be a lack of coping skills or inability to share or show love openly. It may even be just one thing that was said, overheard or that you saw as a child, that was misunderstood, or was confusing for a child that stuck with you, and left a block deep down.
A personal example is when a good friend of my mothers told me “Don’t you cry! You have to be strong for your mother!” This woman has since passed on. Yes, she was in the wrong for giving me that advice, especially when it was at the hospital when my sister was killed in a car accident when I was 13 years old. That lead to a life long inability, or reluctance to share my feelings or show emotions. I also kept things from my mother to save her feelings. Why this woman said that to me at that time was probably something in her that needed healing, and I’m sure she never meant for me to carry that with me the rest of my life. I can only guess, but I do know she had no ill intent, and it was her own issues from where that advice came from.
Not many of us have had the perfect childhood. Many of us have good childhood memories, and yet, far too many have had a traumatic childhood. Whatever your childhood experience was, or was not, the inner child in you will benefit from a connection. We all have parents who were only human (most of us anyway) with their own baggage that they may have raised us with. Nobody is perfect, and cannot be, we cannot expect perfection from anyone, including ourselves. Unfortunately we cannot go back and change the past, but we can do our best to heal, so we can move forward in life without the same old blocks and baggage that has been passed down to us, perhaps for generations.

Inner child work.
Some ways that you can help your inner child is by writing a letter to them. What do you wish they knew at the time, what do you want to tell them about who you are now.
Add some form of play into your life. What was your favorite game or toy as a kid, when was the last time you just played? Get outdoors, put your toes in the sand or the grass. Start a sport, see if you can play a game without keeping score, just for the fun of it. Get out the crayons, or paints without concern for the outcome, just have fun. Use color and shapes to play and express your feelings or create a fantasy world with unrealistic characters. Sing, play some music and dance or just move your body to the music without regard for how well your moves are or what anyone thinks.
Another way is to think of one person that you knew without a doubt loved you fully and unconditionally as a child. Now imagine from that person’s perspective, how they view you, and all the love they feel. What would that person say to you now? Just allow yourself to imagine, or daydream.
Hypnotherapy can help.
During Hypnotherapy sessions we can break through to the blocks and obstacles, to be able to release them. We can give your inner child what they needed to hear way back then, or ask them what they need to tell the adult you. We can show that little one inside of you that you are there for them now, and they are not alone. If you’re not sure what is needed or what might help your inner child, we can find those answers for you. Your subconscious mind is the voice within, it is your inner knowing and your very own, personal inner wisdom. It has been with you forever and has the answers.
When you’re ready, contact me for a free consultation to address any questions or concerns and find out how hypnotherapy can help you – let’s have a chat, and even a sample session if you would like to see how it feels before you make any decisions. There is never any obligation or pressure, your information is always kept confidential.
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Please take care, inside and out.
– Pamela CHt
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