I’ve had clients come to me with a laundry list of issues, and ask “Can you fix me?” Well, no, I can’t fix you, mainly because you’re not broken. You’re human.
I would love to work with you to help you to release the blocks or limiting beliefs that are making you feel stuck or broken.
Truth be told, no one can, or should, take on that responsibility to “fix” you. No one should take that away from you, or deprive you of the growth and empowerment that comes from overcoming obstacles, or seeing that light at the end of the tunnel for yourself. I love seeing clients begin to have a breakthrough – sometimes it happens during a session, they have some great epiphany, other times, it’s a slower, cumulative process. It’s such an honor to be a witness of the light coming back into their lives.

Only you can “fix” you, but first you must realize that you’re not broken. You may feel that way, and believe me, I know that feeling. Most of us do at some point in our lives, or it comes and goes throughout our lives. We may think ‘what the heck is wrong with me?’ during our worst days, or years even.
Life is full of ups and downs, full of darker times and lighter times. Not unlike the seasons (I know, I see you rolling your eyes). Not to downplay your feeling of being broken, or any mental health issues at all by saying essentially, well it’s just life. However, I do believe it is human nature. The media, as well as social media, may make us even harder on ourselves. Listening to armchair/wannabe therapists. Even our well meaning friends and family who think they know what’s best for you, or worse yet, tell you to just breath, smile, to snap out of it, or “just…..” as if it’s so easy, or a choice.
In my personal life, the darkest lowest times are what brought me to the best times. I can see it clearly now. At the lowest times I was suicidal, fearful and barely able to function. I would have been so happy to skip those days/years, but those times were a catalyst, a stepping stone, something I absolutely had to go through to get to where I am now, only now I can see that.
Not only can I appreciate the light after being in the dark, but I’m better able to be a voice and an ear for those who need it. I have the heart, the empathy and true understanding that I may not have had if I didn’t go through my own traumatic events. No two people, no two lives are the same, and although the things I’ve been through may not be the same as you, I know how it feels to feel broken.
I now trust that everything happens in its own right timing because of this. Like the fruit on the tree, the baby chick in the egg, the flower bud etc….. If you try to bring it to fruition too early, it won’t be as good. (yes I love metaphors – I really do)
The success of any kind of therapy, or mental health treatment is more of a guidance, a bridge to help you cross those troubled waters. However, as I’ve mentioned before, success is dependent on you. It’s something you have to be committed to, and not believe that anything or anyone is magic or has that ability to just “fix” you.
At the very least it does take some commitment and desire to change, which can be scary, but to want something different even if you don’t know what that is, to want something different more than you want to stay where you are in your mind, or life.

You can go get your car fixed, but I will gladly guide you to your personal breakthrough so you can use the obstacles as stepping stones.
I love hearing from you all, I’d love to hear what you thought of this article, or others. Any questions or concerns, or suggestions for other articles, please feel free to reach out anytime! You can use the contact form on the home page, HypnoBreakthrough.com or email directly at Pamela@hypnoBreakthrough.com
Thank you so much for being here.
Pamela CHt.
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