Can I manifest using hypnotherapy?
Yes, absolutely you can! Manifesting is more than wishing, hoping, praying, writing it down and affirmations.
To manifest anything, the main thing to know is that you have to clearly visualize it, and you have to get the feeling as if it has already manifested. Now I’m not talking about that expensive car, or more money magically showing up in your bank account (although I believe these things can, and do happen with manifesting techniques)
Some examples are:
Passing a big test: Before a big test, imagine passing with flying colors. Just imagine how that would feel, go through it in your mind’s eye as if it was playing out in front of you. How would that feel to know all the answers as each question comes up? How would you feel seeing that BIG A+ or 100% or even “Passed” after the test was completed and graded? Would you shout out “YES!” jumping for joy, or close your eyes and silently say to yourself “yes” feeling relieved and thankful, either way, THAT is the feeling you’re going for, visualize THAT, feel it and play it out in your mind.
Weight loss: How about to lose that extra weight, what clothes would you wear that you don’t wear now? What activities would you do, or what would you be able to do with more comfort and more easily than with the extra weight? How would that feel to see yourself pushing that plate away with food still on it, with a little smile to yourself, knowing you’re full. When last week you would have eaten it all anyway because it tastes good. What numbers would see on the scale or more importantly, in the vital signs or blood lab tests? Visualize your doctor being proud of you, smiling at you, giving you a good report, rather than warning you about the extra weight. See clearly your closest friends and loved ones complimenting you on a job well done. Most importantly, looking in the mirror and smiling at what you see there. Get THAT feeling, visualize THAT! How will you feel when, not “if”!
Confidence: How would it feel to stand up for yourself? To happily do something new with excitement, a calm curiosity and wonderment, something out of your comfort zone and realizing afterwards how great that felt, and how proud you are of yourself. Can you just imagine going that extra mile in your exercise program, winning that race or even going past your own personal best?
How about walking into the boss’s office feeling confident when you ask for that raise, give them your ideas, or even put in your two weeks notice, finally leaving that dead-end job. Can you imagine that feeling of just calmly and assuredly saying “no” to something, or someone that isn’t right for you without giving an explanation. Just imagine that feeling when you realize at the end of the day, that you didn’t smoke a full pack of cigarettes that day. Can you see yourself being able to stay calm, while someone is inviting you to an argument, just walking away in peace, declining that invitation?

What other examples can you think of? What would you like to see change in your life? How can Hypnotherapy help?
Sure, visualizing in meditation helps. Daily affirmations help too. Writing it down is a good way to reinforce your visualizations, and I will very likely give you that as “homework” between sessions if you work with me. After all, you will only get out of any type of therapy program what you put into it. Hypnotherapy, as in any type of therapy, is a progressive process, and has a cumulative effects It’s a team effort, not magic.
Hypnotherapy helps you to not only visualize the outcome you want, but helps to dig deep to release the blocks and obstacles your subconscious is holding in. You may not even be aware, but your subconscious knows. Hypnotherapy is a strait pathway to your subconscious mind where all the habits, patterns, blocks and limitations are stored.
Do you have any changes you need to make? Or that you would just like to manifest into your life?
Consultations are always free of charge, with no obligations whatsoever. Contact me to schedule your phone consultation, get any questions or concerns answered, and see how Breakthrough Hypnotherapy can help you manifest those positive lifestyle changes.
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Thank you. Pamela Topjian, LVN, CHt
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