How do you find “The One” in this day and age………
We learn what romantic love is by our example from our parents, or other adults in our lives as we grow up. Although we know logically it’s not real, we look to movies and T.V. shows for this example as well. Do you see a problem with this? Although there are those of you that have had a positive example of a loving relationship from your parents, sadly, it’s few and far between. It’s no wonder so many cannot commit, or divorce soon after marriage.
Since the internet, and the world wide web, dating has changed dramatically. Most are looking online now, numerous dating sites and apps to show you “singles in your area” to “chat up” and hope you can get along well enough, or find enough to talk about to eventually meet to have a beverage together. The usual first date for someone looking for a relationship. This way, we don’t have to sit through a meal if we don’t like them after all, or worry much about who is paying. We sure don’t want to waste any of our time with a stranger while we’re looking for “The one” if we don’t find them attractive or interesting right away, or they aren’t wearing the right kind of shoes.
So many unspoken rules about what to talk about, what to wear, when to message back what pictures attract more swipes in the right direction and so on. We find ourselves having to market ourselves like a 2 minute commercial. Grab them in that first few seconds or it’s a ‘Nope’ for you. “To bad, so sad….” “Sorry not sorry” and then the “ghosting”. People don’t care because it’s a picture on a screen, not a “real” person that they might see in passing again. There are bots/catfish/scams/spam on those sites as well – it’s all too much! We see it all the time, people are frustrated! Many are alone, not by choice, or just have resigned to getting some human contact and physical intimacy here and there rather than continue to look for something more substantial. Which is fine if that’s consensual and what both parties want at that time, but this is about those that are looking for a relationship, or even love.

Dating has become more about a pick-up, or a “hook-up” and if you are looking for that one true love to marry, or to settle down with a committed partner, you must kiss many more frogs than you used to have to go through. You need to be wise to the ways of the scams, have a tough skin and strong stomach for the seasoned catfishers and unsolicited pictures of body parts from strangers.
So how did we date before the internet? We met through work, or friends or family, or we knew these people from school, or in our neighborhoods and saw them over the years.
How do we navigate this in a mature, and effective way to find true love, and a lasting committed relationship in today’s online dating world?
I thoroughly believe we need to get clear on what we want out of a relationship, write it down, read it over and be clear. Dream big, this is your “if I won the lottery” dream of relationships. Don’t settle for anything less. This does not mean don’t go out with anyone who may not fully fit the bill, but definitely don’t go out with the one who is cute or rich or whatever because you’re lonely, even though they have many red flags. Be honest with yourself and others as well as the universe. Be sure your actions and relationship goals match, so the universe knows that you are serious. Show your subconscious, your inner self that you know what you want and are ready for it.
Remember you have to do something different to get different results. Hypnotherapy can help you to release the pain and disappointments from the past. Let go of anger, regret, and finally move on. Hypnotherapy will help you to focus on the best relationship for you, and become a beacon of light to attract that which you are showing the universe you are ready for.
I believe navigating the dating apps and social media etc is going to be different depending on location, age group, and other factors. I do not have the answers where to find love, or how to go about looking for it. I do not believe that by frantically searching is going to help.
However, that if you put it out there, be clear, and work on the negativity from the past relationships, will allow you to attract that one true love.
Hypnotherapy will help you to let go of the negativity from the past, and focus on what you truly want in a relationship.
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Thank you so much for being here.
Pamela Topjian CHt
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