Finding Your Own Spiritual Truth through Hypnotherapy.
If you feel lost on your spiritual path, you are not alone. So many people are feeling a pull, a calling, towards something deeper or perhaps higher, something more meaningful and authentic.
Personal spiritual truth is not specifically about religion, religious practices or belief systems, although it can be, for you. Personal spiritual truth is as individual as are people. It can be hard to find anyone to discuss this with. We all come from our own backgrounds, deep rooted beliefs and values. People tend to feel strongly about their personal spiritual beliefs. Many are protective, and sensitive when asked to consider something else, which can make it hard to discuss with an open mind.
If you are unsure of your spiritual path when asking others, you will usually get sort of a ‘sales pitch’ for their religious or spiritual group. I’m not suggesting that there is anything wrong with exploring different religions, churches and spiritual groups. In fact, that’s very good to do on your quest. However, I’m suggesting that you look within yourself to find what is right and true for you.
The true spiritual quest is not somewhere outside of you, it is, in fact, deep within that you will find your own answers. Your subconscious mind is your very own inner knowing. Your authentic self resides there and your own answers can only be found there. What is right and true for you, may not be right and true for another, and that’s perfectly fine. The spiritual path or journey is as individual as it is all connected.
“To thine own self be true” – William Shakespeare
“We are all just walking each other home.” – Ram Dass
“I cannot tell you any spiritual truth that deep within you don’t know already. All I can do is remind you of what you have forgotten” – Eckhart Tolle
Breakthrough Hypnotherapy will help you to dive deep within your own soul space. Helping you to find your own personal truth. It is there for you, waiting for you to just open the door. Are you ready?
Contact me for your free consultation for more information, to get any questions or concerns addressed and help you decide if now is the right time to dig deep within.
Thank you so much for being here. I would love to hear your thoughts on this article or any of the others. Please reach out anytime using the contact from on the homepage here, or through direct email at
Yes, absolutely you can! Manifesting is more than wishing, hoping, praying, writing it down and affirmations.
To manifest anything, the main thing to know is that you have to clearly visualize it, and you have to get the feeling as if it has already manifested. Now I’m not talking about that expensive car, or more money magically showing up in your bank account (although I believe these things can, and do happen with manifesting techniques)
Some examples are:
Passing a big test: Before a big test, imagine passing with flying colors. Just imagine how that would feel, go through it in your mind’s eye as if it was playing out in front of you. How would that feel to know all the answers as each question comes up? How would you feel seeing that BIG A+ or 100% or even “Passed” after the test was completed and graded? Would you shout out “YES!” jumping for joy, or close your eyes and silently say to yourself “yes” feeling relieved and thankful, either way, THAT is the feeling you’re going for, visualize THAT, feel it and play it out in your mind.
Weight loss: How about to lose that extra weight, what clothes would you wear that you don’t wear now? What activities would you do, or what would you be able to do with more comfort and more easily than with the extra weight? How would that feel to see yourself pushing that plate away with food still on it, with a little smile to yourself, knowing you’re full. When last week you would have eaten it all anyway because it tastes good. What numbers would see on the scale or more importantly, in the vital signs or blood lab tests? Visualize your doctor being proud of you, smiling at you, giving you a good report, rather than warning you about the extra weight. See clearly your closest friends and loved ones complimenting you on a job well done. Most importantly, looking in the mirror and smiling at what you see there. Get THAT feeling, visualize THAT! How will you feel when, not “if”!
Confidence: How would it feel to stand up for yourself? To happily do something new with excitement, a calm curiosity and wonderment, something out of your comfort zone and realizing afterwards how great that felt, and how proud you are of yourself. Can you just imagine going that extra mile in your exercise program, winning that race or even going past your own personal best?
How about walking into the boss’s office feeling confident when you ask for that raise, give them your ideas, or even put in your two weeks notice, finally leaving that dead-end job. Can you imagine that feeling of just calmly and assuredly saying “no” to something, or someone that isn’t right for you without giving an explanation. Just imagine that feeling when you realize at the end of the day, that you didn’t smoke a full pack of cigarettes that day. Can you see yourself being able to stay calm, while someone is inviting you to an argument, just walking away in peace, declining that invitation?
What other examples can you think of? What would you like to see change in your life? How can Hypnotherapy help?
Sure, visualizing in meditation helps. Daily affirmations help too. Writing it down is a good way to reinforce your visualizations, and I will very likely give you that as “homework” between sessions if you work with me. After all, you will only get out of any type of therapy program what you put into it. Hypnotherapy, as in any type of therapy, is a progressive process, and has a cumulative effects It’s a team effort, not magic.
Hypnotherapy helps you to not only visualize the outcome you want, but helps to dig deep to release the blocks and obstacles your subconscious is holding in. You may not even be aware, but your subconscious knows. Hypnotherapy is a strait pathway to your subconscious mind where all the habits, patterns, blocks and limitations are stored.
Do you have any changes you need to make? Or that you would just like to manifest into your life?
Consultations are always free of charge, with no obligations whatsoever. Contact me to schedule your phone consultation, get any questions or concerns answered, and see how Breakthrough Hypnotherapy can help you manifest those positive lifestyle changes.
Thank you so much for being here. I would love to hear your thoughts on this article or any of the others. Please reach out anytime using the contact from on the homepage, or through direct email at
We learn what romantic love is by our example from our parents, or other adults in our lives as we grow up. Although we know logically it’s not real, we look to movies and T.V. shows for this example as well. Do you see a problem with this? Although there are those of you that have had a positive example of a loving relationship from your parents, sadly, it’s few and far between. It’s no wonder so many cannot commit, or divorce soon after marriage.
Since the internet, and the world wide web, dating has changed dramatically. Most are looking online now, numerous dating sites and apps to show you “singles in your area” to “chat up” and hope you can get along well enough, or find enough to talk about to eventually meet to have a beverage together. The usual first date for someone looking for a relationship. This way, we don’t have to sit through a meal if we don’t like them after all, or worry much about who is paying. We sure don’t want to waste any of our time with a stranger while we’re looking for “The one” if we don’t find them attractive or interesting right away, or they aren’t wearing the right kind of shoes.
So many unspoken rules about what to talk about, what to wear, when to message back what pictures attract more swipes in the right direction and so on. We find ourselves having to market ourselves like a 2 minute commercial. Grab them in that first few seconds or it’s a ‘Nope’ for you. “To bad, so sad….” “Sorry not sorry” and then the “ghosting”. People don’t care because it’s a picture on a screen, not a “real” person that they might see in passing again. There are bots/catfish/scams/spam on those sites as well – it’s all too much! We see it all the time, people are frustrated! Many are alone, not by choice, or just have resigned to getting some human contact and physical intimacy here and there rather than continue to look for something more substantial. Which is fine if that’s consensual and what both parties want at that time, but this is about those that are looking for a relationship, or even love.
Finding Love
Dating has become more about a pick-up, or a “hook-up” and if you are looking for that one true love to marry, or to settle down with a committed partner, you must kiss many more frogs than you used to have to go through. You need to be wise to the ways of the scams, have a tough skin and strong stomach for the seasoned catfishers and unsolicited pictures of body parts from strangers.
So how did we date before the internet? We met through work, or friends or family, or we knew these people from school, or in our neighborhoods and saw them over the years.
How do we navigate this in a mature, and effective way to find true love, and a lasting committed relationship in today’s online dating world?
I thoroughly believe we need to get clear on what we want out of a relationship, write it down, read it over and be clear. Dream big, this is your “if I won the lottery” dream of relationships. Don’t settle for anything less. This does not mean don’t go out with anyone who may not fully fit the bill, but definitely don’t go out with the one who is cute or rich or whatever because you’re lonely, even though they have many red flags. Be honest with yourself and others as well as the universe. Be sure your actions and relationship goals match, so the universe knows that you are serious. Show your subconscious, your inner self that you know what you want and are ready for it.
Remember you have to do something different to get different results. Hypnotherapy can help you to release the pain and disappointments from the past. Let go of anger, regret, and finally move on. Hypnotherapy will help you to focus on the best relationship for you, and become a beacon of light to attract that which you are showing the universe you are ready for.
I believe navigating the dating apps and social media etc is going to be different depending on location, age group, and other factors. I do not have the answers where to find love, or how to go about looking for it. I do not believe that by frantically searching is going to help.
However, that if you put it out there, be clear, and work on the negativity from the past relationships, will allow you to attract that one true love.
Hypnotherapy will help you to let go of the negativity from the past, and focus on what you truly want in a relationship.
Why do some men hide their emotions? I certainly don’t want to generalize, many men are very open emotionally, and share with their loved ones and even seek professional help when needed. However the sad fact is that still, many men hide their emotions.
Here are some thoughts on some of the reasons….
Men and boys have been encouraged and programed to be emotionless. Going back to the days of cavemen, when they had to protect the family, elders, and maybe even a community, from wildlife and other dangers. Men were the hunters and protectors. Facing danger daily and comforting others, helping them to feel secure and safe. Even if he himself was afraid.
This has been passed down over all these years. Men have had a hard time through history showing and sharing emotions.
This leaves modern day women wondering why he is “emotionally unavailable” or as the title asks, “why can’t you share your emotions?”
This too, has been going on for years in civilization as the roles have equalized somewhat.
Men are taught to hide their emotions
We have been conditioning our boys from way back. “Man up” “big boys don’t cry” and many other hurtful comments that are meant to give strength to the men but more often than not is just doing more harm than good in these modern times.
This can lead to some men shutting down, being emotionally unavailable, or being uncomfortable around the emotions of others. Worst case scenario many have turned to alcohol or drugs to numb the feelings, diseases can start from knots in the stomach with pent up emotions and holding on to hurts, and emotional pain for a very long time.
We need to be very aware of how we speak to boys. Be aware of ourselves what our own expectations are with the men in our lives. To be open and encouraging to the men in our lives to show their emotions. Pressure or pushing won’t help, these emotional blocks run deep. A kind “I Know you’re hurting, I’m here if you need to let it out” “it’s okay to let it out, I’m here for you, you’re safe with me, I love you” Remind the men in your life that you are their partner, to share the load and they can take a mental health day, they can go for help if needed.
Recognize when anger, avoidance/distance, or heavy drinking may be a cry for help, or at least a sign of emotions that he just doesn’t know what to do with.
There has been a recent shift in many areas, and groups, and this is great! However it’s slow going, because these sayings and expectations are so deeply ingrained from so far back.
We need to do better for the emotional wellbeing of all. Children, wives, mothers, friends and other family, have all been deeply hurt by the lack of, or avoidance of emotions by the men in their lives, not to mention the men themselves. This is by no means to suggest all men have these same issues, there are many men very emotionally comfortable and available.
We are all connected and by healing ourselves, we help to heal others.
We can work on this by being comfortable when others show emotions, just comfort the other with your presence or a hug, no need to try to get them to stop or make them laugh or offer a distraction. Allow the emotions to come through, and just “hold space” in honor of them. Be careful not to sound like your dad or grandfather or a coach, when another man or boy is trying to hide their emotions or shed a tear. Sometimes words come out almost on autopilot, be sure they get filtered before they are allowed out of the mouth and into the mind of another.
Do this for yourself as well. It does take practice and may be very uncomfortable at first, but the more you do this, the easier it becomes.
As you become comfortable with the emotions of others, you eventually become comfortable with your own. You then become an example and model for others, and the younger generations. We often plant seeds unknowingly. The smallest action, word or lack thereof, can change lives.
I have great faith in the power of hypnotherapy. Phone sessions help those that may otherwise shy away from seeking help or any form of therapy.
Hypnotherapy helps to facilitate deep transformations, without having to relive or tell all. You will go deep within, it’s an inside job, not something you put out on the table to get answers from another. Hypnotherapy helps untie knots that are so deep and that go so far back, you may not even realize they are there, until you feel the relief after they are untied.
Sessions are available evenings and weekends, over the phone or zoom in the comfort and privacy of your own home. Please see the testimonials page, most of those are from phone sessions. Consultations are always free and will include a basic sample session upon request. Use the contact form on the home page or email me directly at to schedule your free consultation.
Please always feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. I’d love to hear what you think about this article, or the others. What have you found to be helpful?
Thank you so much for being here, and for reading.
Although Hypnotherapy may be seen as new-age, it really has long and varied roots. As mentioned in last week’s article “Why is there a stigma about hypnosis? Is Hypnotherapy safe?”, hypnosis has been utilized since at least the 1800’s and possibly even further back for treatments in mental and physical health; as well as other, more mystical events, under other names.
A Mesmerist Uses Animal Magnetism on a Patient. Photo credit below.
One such name is “Mesmerism”. Franz Mesmer in the nineteenth century had positive results with patients in trance. He believed he was ‘recharging’ his patients’ magnetic field with his own “animal magnetism”. His techniques included using a series of hand passes over the body, combined with ‘eye fixations’ where his subjects are directed to follow the hand passes.
What he was doing was a form of hypnosis, although he perceived it to be something within his own body being transferred. He was later accused of fraud.
The public believed he may have been using the occult, or working with spirits. He was somewhat eccentric, and would host events and shows with large groups that had less to do with any type of healing than with stage hypnosis or even spiritualism events.
However, later, surgeons would revisit some of Mesmer’s techniques for pain relief during surgery, including amputations. Hypnotherapy continues to be researched and used in some cases of surgery and medical treatments.
James Braid is known as the “Father of Hypnosis”. A surgeon in the 1800’s, Dr. Braid advanced Hypnosis in both science and medicine.
Braid had his subjects intently focus on mirrors or candle flames, and other shiny objects to exhaust the eyes for them to close, not into sleep, but trance. He mistakenly saw this as a form of sleep, where the subject was aware enough to leave the subconscious open to positive suggestions.
Finding great success, he wrote “Neurypnology”, meaning nervous sleep. The name he coined later evolved into ‘Hypnosis’, from the Greek God of sleep, Hypnos.
There is a fun fable of Hypnos, but basically it’s about an inner knowing deep within us that we would always be in search of, but may never find if it was hidden within us. This inner knowing, or light or wisdom, is of course, our subconscious.
Freud, Other Pioneers
There are many notable names to research in the history of Hypnotherapy. Just to name a few here, Pierre Janet, Clark L. Hull, Sigmund Freud.
Freud studied hypnosis, and dismissed it. He was more interested in free association techniques.
Another significant name is Emile Coué,who is known for utilizing, “Day by day in every way I am getting better and better.” as a suggestion one could use for self-hypnosis, or as an affirmation. He was one of the first to recognize and utilize imagination in hypnosis; also to note that the subject could participate in hypnosis.
Clark Hull is noted to have led the first large scale study of Hypnotherapy at the University of Wisconsin. One of his students was Milton Erikson.
Considering modern-day concepts of Hypnosis, most think right away of Milton Erikson. He took a different approach, using conversational hypnosis, utilizing voice patterns in conversations with eyes remaining open.
Erikson understood that the importance of the outcome to the subject is what made the difference in how effective the hypnosis session was.
I believe this is basically saying you can’t help someone to feel better, who doesn’t want it for themselves.
Elman the Showman and Modern Times
Dave Elman is another notable name. He developed quick inductions with techniques similar to Mesmer. He could induce trance within seconds.
Elman was a noted American radio host, comedian and songwriter, more interested in furthering his stage act than entertaining any thoughts of therapy.
Elman eventually realized his stage tricks had the potential for a more therapeutic model, hence the name Hypno-therapy.
During the second world war, Hypnosis was used on a wide scale for psychological and mental trauma.
Research of techniques, training for and schools of hypnotherapy have been widespread since that time.
Certification boards have developed to regulate the instruction of, and training in, hypnotherapy. These entities seek to move public perception from the stigma of stage hypnosis and mystical mind control, into a mental health tool and modality complementary to medical treatments.
There is much more to the story of hypnotherapy! It is so fascinating, there is such a rabbit hole of information to jump into. This article is just a basic rundown, by no means more than just scratching the surface.
Hypnotherapy is such an amazing and powerful tool for a holistic, deep healing that the potential is endless. New studies and research are ongoing.
I’m proud to be here to offer hypnotherapy to virtually anyone anywhere.
Please check the other pages here on the website for more information and as always feel free to contact me with any questions, your thoughts on this article or of course to schedule your free phone consultation. Pamlea CHt
Photo credits:
V0011094EB A Mesmerist using Animal Magnetism on a female patient
Credit: Wellcome Library, London. Wellcome Images A Mesmerist using Animal Magnetism on a woman who responds with convulsions . Wood engraving. Mesmer, Franz Anton 1734-1815. Wood engraving c.1845 Published: -Copyrighted work available under Creative Commons Attribution only licence CC BY 4.0
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