A breakdown can be anything from a bad day, a full on anxiety attack or a complete breakdown in life.
A bad day: When nothing seems to go right, or as planned. You don’t feel completely well, cranky and nothing seems to help. You just want the day to end.
Calming tea, a good book, maybe a few episodes of a show you have been following. Or a hot soak in an epsom salt bath, and right to bed. These are all good ways to end a bad day.
A full on anxiety attack: You may or may not have experienced this, it can happen to anyone whether or not you have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. Sometimes fear can take over, everything piles up and we feel out of control.
This can look different for different people from the outside. However on the inside, it feels like a heart attack, or the walls closing in, or a war going on inside our minds and bodies. Mostly we need to feel safe, and understood, to deal with this.
A complete breakdown in life has us feeling as though we are stuck, and may never get out of this rut. We may be a dark or very low place. At this point many turn to substance use or even abuse to numb the pain. This can lead to a domino effect of other disorders with life long consequences.
A breakthrough can feel like an epiphany, an “Aha moment” suddenly you realize, the proverbial light bulb lights up in your mind, you’re inspired and excited. YES! EUREKA! I GOT IT!
`Breakthrough!` an original work by Pamela Topjian. Share under CC.
A feeling of jumping up out of the water and catching your breath after a dive in a pool. The feeling of a great night’s sleep waking refreshed and renewed. A feeling of being ready for the day. Or after a time of being depressed, stuck, lost in life, something comes along that feels right, feels like a positive change and you may see a glimpse of a light at the end of the tunnel.
There are many metaphors for a breakthrough. One of my favorites is the lotus. It grows from beneath the mud in the bottom of a pond, and has to go through the dark water reaching to the light at the surface of the water to finally bloom.
The sun through the clouds, the bird through the egg, plant through the seed or plant through the earth, the caterpillar to butterfly ……
The Phoenix bird who rises from the ashes to fly away in flames (okay thats a myth but still a good breakthrough and transformation metaphor).
All of which can happen for us as well. The same feeling anyway…. I do have a personal story of transformation, of a breakdown and then breakthrough. It is my belief we do not have to have a total break down before we can fully break through. We don’t have to go through the darkest storm for the clouds to clear. We can start to clear those clouds before they develop into a storm.
Why “Breakthrough Hypnotherapy” for my own practice, is because of my own life, as I mentioned I do have my own story and I do fully, and wholeheartedly believe that we often go through difficult times in order to help others. My hope is that I can assist others with empathy and understanding because of my own life experience.
I would have never believed while in the lowest time of my life I would be where I am today.
Hypnotherapy is a great tool to help you break through the dark times, get out of that rut, or to reach your goals and finally feeling whole, and free to live your own life.
Please reach out with any questions or concerns, or just your thoughts on this, or other articles on the website. I would love to hear from you.
Contact me today using the contact form on the home page, text anytime at all 916-400-0889 or email Pamela@HypnoBreakthrough.com
Consultations are always free of charge with no obligation. Your information is never shared in any way. I look forward to hearing from you.
Pamela CHt
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