Heart health; Healing with self love.
When we talk of heart health we usually think of terms of diet and exercise. In terms of numbers that you get from visits with your PCP/MD. I’m here to talk about a different type of heart health. Love. Love of self. Self Acceptance, forgiveness and gratitude.

Very few of us have had a fully healthy childhood, or get through life unscathed by past relationships, grief or heartbreak in some form or another. Many of us end up enduring some sort of trauma in our lifetimes. For some, it seems life is one traumatic experience after another. Coping and sometimes just surviving is all we can hope for. Anxiety, Depression, PTSD and CPTSD are all too real, and oftentimes debilitating. These issues can have a domino effect of other problems that can alter one’s life forever.
There are seemingly endless types of therapies and treatments. However, sadly we don’t seek them out until we are already in a very low or dark place. There isn’t one treatment or therapy that is best, it’s very personal and individual. I often hear people state such things as: ‘that it didn’t work for my friend/loved one’, or ‘I tried (this/that) type of (therapy/treatment) and it didn’t help.’
Truth is, that nothing is going to be the perfect fit for all. Also, you will always get out of any type of therapy or treatment what you put into it. You have to want it more than you want to stay where you are in your heart and mind. (Read that again)
Self love and heart healing, begins with self acceptance and self care. Self care on the deeper levels, besides just soaking in tubs, and getting out in nature and so on. While all of that is important and helpful, true self care is learning to love yourself again. Learning self acceptance, healthy boundaries, knowing your own ethics and values and priorities in life. Then acting in a way that supports those. Be willing to be vulnerable, truly authentic, be open to seeing and acknowledging the good, the bad and the ugly, as well as the beautiful!
Are you ready? Are you willing? It may not be easy, but it will be worth it! Hypnotherapy is one type of therapy that can have a profound effect on self love and heart health.
Contact me to find out how, consultations are always free!
-Pamela Topjian CHt
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