If you search for “Hypnotherapy” in google, or any search engine, you will find a few definitions.
Definitions: Merriam Webster: Hypnosis is a trance-like state of altered consciousness that resembles sleep but is induced by a person whose suggestions are readily accepted by the subject.
Wikipedia: Hypnotherapy is a type of alternative medicine in which hypnosis is used to create a state of focused attention and increased suggestibility during which positive suggestions and guided imagery are used to help individuals deal with a variety of concerns and issues.
WebMD: Hypnosis or Hypnotherapy is guided relaxation, intense concentration, and focused attention to achieve a heightened state of awareness.
However, in my own words, and what I was taught during my training and hypnotherapy education; Hypnotherapy utilizes the hypnotic state (known as the healing state, or twilight sleep) as a therapeutic model. A person goes in and out of this state every day. Such as just before falling asleep, or as they are “daydreaming” and miss an exit on the highway, or being so engrossed in a movie or book they may lose track of time or other usual activities around them.
Hypnotherapy is a straight pathway to the subconscious, where every experience over your lifetime is stored, including where blocks and limitations that have been developed throughout a lifetime of experiences. Some, in fact many, we may not even be consciously aware of.
This isn’t always a traumatic experience, something as simple as telling a child “Big boys don’t cry” can lead to a man who is emotionally unavailable, or keeps his feelings to himself and later becomes addicted to alcohol or cigarettes to keep his emotions at bay. This can lead to a domino effect of life long issues in adulthood. This is just one of an infinite number of examples.
What can I expect during a Hypnotherapy session?
You will first be asked to just get seated or lay down in a comfortable position. If you’re in your own space, be sure you are not going to be disrupted for about 30 mins. Using ear buds, headphones or just speaker, anything that will enable you to hear me without having to hold the phone. Playing soft music without vocals is helpful as well. ( spa or meditation music works well for this and can be found on you tube if you don’t have any of your own) When you’re feeling ready, I then will talk you down into a state of deep physical relaxation, while the mind goes into a dream like state. This is known as the healing state of consciousness, much like just before you fall asleep, daydreaming or focused intently on a project or good book. This is achieved by using a soothing tone of voice, repeating words, and positive suggestions, in a calming manner. I make it clear that I am addressing the subconscious, your own inner knowing that we all have and that knows us better than we know ourselves. It is your own inner wisdom.

You are always in full control and able to stop the session at any time. (although most people don’t want it to end) Your subconscious will not allow you to do, or say anything that goes against your moral or ethical values in the waking state. This is a common misconception due to hypnosis in the media.
While you are in this state of deep relaxation, we then address the subconscious mind to balance the whole system and bring a sense of calmness while removing blocks and obstacles related to what we had previously discussed in our consultation, and before the start of the session or in previous sessions. You will then be guided to become fully aware back to your full waking state feeling refreshed, renewed and revitalized at the end of each session.
After the session we have a bit of a discussion where you are always welcome to share as much or as little as you like. You are never obligated to share anything you are not comfortable sharing. This is one way in which Hypnotherapy differs from other forms of more traditional therapy.
Personally, I am a nurse and have facilitated over 100 hypnotherapy sessions thus far (at the time of this writing) I have heard it all, be assured that you will never be judged or criticized for anything that comes up. Also that your information and anything shared will never be shared with anyone else. (unless you yourself write a review or testimonial)
Some people even fall asleep, and that’s fine too. I will continue because I trust that your subconscious is still paying attention. If you are in your own home I will ask before the session that you set an alarm if you need to be anywhere after the session and if you would like me to let you sleep or be sure you’re awake before I hang up or end the zoom meeting. I do many phone sessions in the evening or even night, so you do not have to continue with your day and just bask in the ‘after hypno glow’ and sometimes go right to sleep for the night.
Please know that you will always get out of any therapy or wellness program what you personally put into it. There may be “homework” or suggestions made for between sessions to help in your overall wellness. You have to want to change and make adjustments in your own life away from the sessions as well.
Any questions or concerns always feel free to reach out. You may use the contact form on the home page or email me directly at Pamela@HypnoBreakthrough.com
Thank you so much for being here.
Please take care, inside and out. Pamela Topjian LVN,CHt
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