Authenticity and Transparency in Growth

Hey friends, HypnoBreakthrough is growing! 

In the interest of authenticity, transparency, vulnerability and continued growth, I’m excited to share with you all how my practice is growing. I’m also hoping that by writing this out I will gain some clarity. I am open to any guidance, and your wise words of wisdom. (leave a comment or feel free to contact me privately with the contact form on the home page or email me at

Starting from the beginning in 2010 I was searching for a more holistic way to assist people on their healing journey than nursing. At that time, I had been a licensed nurse for a whopping 3 years. Already disenchanted and even disgruntled, for many reasons.

I decided to look into ways to assist people in a more natural healing path than the medical route. So, took a course that included a sort of intro into a few different holistic modalities. Hypnotherapy was included in that. I then put all my focus there, and went through level one and two of Hypnotherapy courses.

However, I wasn’t in the best position in life to be able to quit nursing all together. I practiced some with friends, and friends of friends. I brought hypnotherapy into my nursing when I could. 

In 2020 I decided to go for my dreams once again, knowing I had to get out of nursing. I had some major pushes, and pulls from the universe that it was the right time. I attended classes again, and attained my board certification. 

Then started my own Hypnotherapy practice. 

As we go through anything new, we grow as we go. I quickly realized I wanted to offer more, along with hypnotherapy for my clients, and decided to take an “Integrative, Healing Arts Practitioner” diploma course. There were options on which to focus my learning, one was more spiritual guide/coach and I went in that direction. 

A few of the classes with in this course:

Angels and Guides

Intuitive Guidance 

Spiritual traditions

Mysticism and universal laws

Prayer therapy and mindful meditation

Creating ceremony and sacred space

Ministerial duties and homiletics

Death Dying and hospice 

Developing your spiritual gifts 

Spirit directed coaching 

Transpersonal Psychology

Among others focused on business, coaching and other holistic modalities. 

I have been learning so much, and doing very well (so-far) loving it all. I know this was the right decision. I am in my mid/late 50’s as some of you know. I am unsure at this moment where all of this fits in within HypnoBreakthrough. I know some self hypnosis, prayer and meditation (and time) will bring clarity. 

As of right now (Jan. ‘23) I still have a year left in the course. However we are encouraged to practice or offer what we have learned to clients. 

Also, at this time, something else happened that feels like a gift, or a meaningful “sign”. I found out that I have been ordained since 2011 as a non-denominational minister by the Universal Life Church. I barely remember, however I do have a couple ideas as to why I went through that process at that time. 

In my course I thoroughly enjoyed creating ceremonies for renewal of vows, baby blessing, and an end of life ceremony (non denominational, not tied to any particular religion) 

I thoroughly believe in the power of Hypnotherapy. I love how transformative it can be for so many. (check the testimonials page) My bigger than life “Dream Big” dream, is a healing center with other practitioners, and healing gardens on the property, with a labyrinth, water feature, and gazebo as well. As of right now I’m completely virtual, which definitely has it’s advantages for myself as well as my clients. The Holistic Healing center would have some virtual, with most on site.

“The possibility of the dream gives strength.” -Lailah Gifty Akita

“My goal is to show young women and girls that our voices and ideas matter, and you are never too young to dream big!” -Marsai Martin (never to young, or too old)

I’m very excited for what the future holds, and I’m so honored to have you on this journey with me. I do fully trust the universe that what is meant to be will. I also know that every single thing started as an idea. Think about Disney, Rythmia life advancement center, SouthWest Institute of Healing Arts, Lego…. The list goes on. It’s true that ideas, thoughts and words have power. I have imagined this clearly, I have details – I know its out there for me and will show up at the perfect timing. However I do know that clarity on HypnoBreakthrough and the ways in which I serve within this practice needs clarity and I also know that it will come.

Thank you for reading. 

Please take care, inside and out. 

Blessings to you all,

Pamela Topjian 

What Does It Mean To Live Authentically?

What does it mean to be your authentic self?

Authenticity, simply said, is being true to you. In all situations and circumstances in life. More importantly however, its being true to you – TO YOU.  Within yourself, regardless of the outside world or your loved ones. 

True To YOU

Does who you are feel right within your heart and soul? If not, it may feel like you live with a constant lump or knot in your throat or stomach. 

Living authentically, being true to who you are, is helpful for all of us to self reflect on. I would like to talk about the transgender community, and/or LGBTQ+ community. There is nobody who understands better about living authentically, and how denying yourself this truth, can be detrimental to your entire being.

There are some song lyrics by a trans male that was in a documentary “Real boy” years ago, Bennett Wallace. Sharing just a few that are thought provoking here:  ‘If the only truth you have is that you’re living a lie, and if time won’t free the pain that you’ve held hostage in your mind fear not my love….if the skin your soul embodies doesn’t seem to fit quite right… “

Suicide rates are high for the LGBTQ+ community. There is still so very much misunderstanding, assumptions and judgements being made. Trans kids are out there, and in fact many (if not all or most) transgender people know well before puberty, and most often is not related to romantic or sexual attraction. Many transgender people  may not know exactly what’s going on at age 6 or by age 11, but they do know they aren’t who the rest of the world perceives them to be. Many will hide their true selves, being afraid to ask questions or tired of being told to act more like a man or a lady. Very often will start substance abuse or self harming at an early age. That then becomes the issue, when at its core,  its all much deeper. It’s about feeling right within yourself, and valued, if not at least just acceptance by the world for who you are on the inside. Without having to hide, or pretend or be judged or ridiculed by those who don’t understand. 

You don’t need proof to know who you are, because you know within your soul. You don’t need to know how to explain it to others, or be a scientist ,doctor or professor – it’s not your job or responsibility to educate others. Point them to some good resources if you like, or ask them nicely to do the research. Just because what you have felt inside most of your life does not mean that you are able to or need to explain it to others. 

Family/friends you don’t have to fully understand to be supportive, to love who people are no matter the physical body. So many things in life, no one can possibly fully understand that without having gone through it, and that’s okay.  Giving birth for example; Fathers and adoptive moms can still support the one giving birth, love the baby and love the one that birthed the baby.

Are you able to love your child, your partner, friend without fully understanding? If not, that is within you, and not them. If you do, then do your research if you want to try to understand better, without judgment or making assumptions. Without being upset with them for just wanting to live authentically. Even without doing research, just basic acceptance and unconditional love. Loving the whole person should not have anything to do with their gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation.

To sum up, please feel free to live as your authentic self. Whether or not it relates to gender. Many of us have had life experiences that didn’t seem a good fit for our soul, a job, a partner a place. Imagine feeling that within your own skin, your own body. When something feels off, trust that. I’m not at all saying here that if you don’t feel right or feel lost within yourself that you may be transgender. There are a variety of reasons one may feel unsure of who they are or the need to hide their true self. I use the example of transgender and the LGTBQ+ community as those who may know this feeling all to well.

Hypnotherapy can help people to gain confidence, to gain clarity or inner guidance. Most importantly to gain self love. 

If you are feeling lost unsure who you truly are, no matter your age, sex, gender identity, religion anything at all – if you are human but feel lost within yourself. Or have a poor self worth because of who you are at your core. Please reach out. You don’t have to live the rest of your life in that state of mind. There are several types of counseling, therapy and treatments. I never want anyone to feel I’m pushing hypnotherapy because I am a hypnotherapist. I want everyone to live their best life, to feel empowered to know they are worthy of living their authentic selves, and to your highest potential, no matter how you arrive at that. There is always hope and always help. It may take patience and diligence to find a right fit, but it is worth it. 

Please feel free to reach out with any questions or comments. Anything to add or discuss. I love to hear from you all. I can be reached here on the homepage of my website Breakthrough Hypnotherapy, through the contact form. Or by direct email at 

Consultations for hypnotherapy are always free of charge with no obligation whatsoever. A sample session is included so you know how it feels before you make any commitments. 

Thank you so much for being here. 

Take care, inside and out. Pamela Topjian