New Certification: Hypnotic Coach

What does it mean to be a hypnotic coach, and more importantly, what does that mean for my clients?

A basic answer is that a hypnotic coach combines hypnotherapy or hypnosis techniques along with coaching. Over the last year and a half I have been working through a course towards an *Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner diploma. (IHAP) That’s a mouthful, but let’s break that down. 

Integrative: to unify separate things.

Healing: the process of making or becoming sound, or healthy again.

Arts: the expression or application of human creative skill.

(Healing Arts: Creative practices that promote healing, wellness and personal change) 

Practitioner: a person actively engaged in an art, discipline, or profession.

I will delve deeper into all of this later in January (2024) when I graduate from the program.

The *IHAP course includes Spiritual coaching, Life coaching and transformational coaching, among other holistic healing arts modalities. The course concludes at the end of January ‘24, and, as mentioned above, at that time I will be giving another more in-depth update. 

(if you would like to keep updated with all the happenings with HypnoBreatkthough, please sign up for my monthly email – just send a msg. On the front page or at

As for the “Master Hypnotic Coach” certification that I have just received. I have been a certified hypnotherapist with the  (ACHE) **American Council of Hypnotists Examiners since ‘20, ACHE certified Hypnotherapists renew our certifications every two years, which includes continuing education. This was the same for my nursing license.

Working on the Integrative healing Arts Practitioner course has included more than enough continuing education to add the Certification to “Master Hypnotic Coach” to my ACHE hypnotherapy certifications.

I’m proud of this achievement. I have been working hard at this for a year and a half.

Hypnotherapy has been a part of my life since 2010. Many of you know my story. I have written my memoir (found on Amazon) which includes my journey to hypnotherapy. At the time of this writing, I’m just about to publish my second book on my nursing career, and why I left. Which at the end, also  includes hypnotherapy. 

I always knew I wanted to add more to my hypnotherapy education and training. To have more ways to assist my clients on their healing journey. To gently guide people towards a fulfilling life in whatever way that will be most effective for them personally. 

Hypnotherapy is such a powerful modality on its own, and is my absolute first love in the holistic healing arts. I know that it has the potential to be even more powerful, and the results are oftentimes longer lasting ,or even more rapid, when combined with other complementary and alternative healing arts modalities. 

Results are very individual, and what fits well for one, may not be a good fit for another. This is another reason I wanted to add more training, and education to serve my clients more holistically. 

If you are interested in learning more, or scheduling a free consultation. Contact me at Or use the contact form on the home page at

Thank you so much for being here, and reading this. Please feel free to check out other areas of my website and come back soon to see the updates. 

Middle Aged Women are Asking Themselves, ‘Now What?’

Middle aged women are asking themselves, Now What? Are you a middle aged woman, considering Hypnotherapy but unsure what you can expect? I will break it down for you here, however always feel free to reach out with any other questions you may have.

A time of Transition and Uncertainty

During this second, or third phase of life you may be going through a time of transition. This may leave you feeling lost, or confused. Your life is changing a lot right now, and you find yourself asking yourself “Who am I becoming?” or “What is my purpose in life now?” 

This uncertainty can sometimes lead to unhealthy life habits, such as over eating or drinking. Staying up later and not getting good sleep or exercise. This can leave you with a lack of motivation, or inspiration. Sometimes this can even lead to deeper issues with depression or anxiety. 

Finding yourself feeling sick, and tired. Sick and tired of living this way, or with a lack of purpose or quality of life. Wondering at this point, if you need a doctor, or therapist, maybe just a vacation or a good dinner party. 

Negativity: You may see posts on social media of some of your friends, getting negative and complaining about the same issues. You may even find yourself doing this more often than you would like. Venting can be helpful, however it can become a habit that doesn’t actually produce any real change.  

You may hear or see someone mention hypnotherapy. Maybe in a blog post or article, such as this and wonder what it’s all about. It’s time to take some action and reach out… but now what, is it safe, what can you expect from hypnotherapy?

Consultation: This is what the consultation is for, giving you the opportunity to ask any questions, and to learn about hypnotherapy. Allowing you to get a feel for if its going to be a good fit for you, and if we’re a good fit to work with each other.

You may be concerned that don’t know if you can meditate or “Be hypnotized’ so you might be unsure if this is going to help you. In my consultations, I offer a free sample session for simple relaxation or stress reduction, so you can see for yourself how it feels, before you make any commitments. You can then be more relaxed and ready for your first full session, if you decide this is the route you would like to take. Rather than being concerned about what to expect during the first one. Your first full session will be much like your sample session only longer. I may add in some wording that will be beneficial to you from our talk about your concerns, or what changes you would like to see in your life.

Future focus: I focus much more on the future than the past. Many traditional therapists you may find yourself talking endlessly about the past. While some people need that, for several reasons, with hypnotherapy we can add in some regression techniques if I think that’s a direction that will be of benefit for you, but also progression techniques within our sessions to focus on where you want to be. We go beyond the surface level of diminishing unhealthy habits.

When we see how you respond to each session, and in between, that will help guide me to tailor your next session to your specific needs, and what technique is working best for you.

How many sessions will you need? On average most see some significant changes within 3 sessions. With 3-6 sessions total being the usual. However, we never know how receptive you will be. Some issues stem from childhood and are deeply rooted. You will know after a few sessions if you will benefit from a more extensive amount of sessions. While others are where they want to be in life after just 2-3 sessions. This may also depend on if you are also getting other types of therapy or treatments during the same time we’re working together.

What happens in a session? For the actual session, you are asked to go to a in a nice comfortable space, make sure that you can hear me without having to hold the phone, and to be sure you won’t be disturbed. You may play some soft music without lyrics in the background if you like.

You are assured that you will always be in complete control, and may stop the session if need be, for any reason whatsoever. At the very least, during your sample session you will feel relaxed. Many report they have never felt so relaxed or calm. Some people report seeing visions, as in a dream state, some people get a sense of overall balance and wellbeing. Some feel physical sensations such as tingling, melting, or even floating. 

After just a few full sessions, you will begin to notice solutions and answers coming to you from within your own inner guidance during the sessions, or more likely in between. I highly encourage journaling, this will help you to notice all the life changes, even the small, but impactful ones. You may notice that you are able to listen to your own inner guidance. Maybe you start a meditation practice,  or a new interest or hobby. You may find yourself stepping out of your comfort zone, and being excited about it. A calm curiosity, rather than anxiety. 

You’re finding yourself enjoying life, responding to stress in a healthier way, and noticing an improved sense of overall wellbeing. 

In conclusion; Hypnotherapy is a safe, holistic, mindful and gentle modality that can assist in overall wellbeing, no matter where you are in your life. Simple issues, to deeper ones, and even life changing transformations. Reach out, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

FREE Consultation: Contact me to schedule your free consultation, which includes that complimentary sample session as well. you may leave a comment here, or fill out the contact from on the home page, or email me directly at

All sessions are by phone or zoom, in complete confidentiality, safety, and comfort of your own home. 

Authenticity and Transparency in Growth

Hey friends, HypnoBreakthrough is growing! 

In the interest of authenticity, transparency, vulnerability and continued growth, I’m excited to share with you all how my practice is growing. I’m also hoping that by writing this out I will gain some clarity. I am open to any guidance, and your wise words of wisdom. (leave a comment or feel free to contact me privately with the contact form on the home page or email me at

Starting from the beginning in 2010 I was searching for a more holistic way to assist people on their healing journey than nursing. At that time, I had been a licensed nurse for a whopping 3 years. Already disenchanted and even disgruntled, for many reasons.

I decided to look into ways to assist people in a more natural healing path than the medical route. So, took a course that included a sort of intro into a few different holistic modalities. Hypnotherapy was included in that. I then put all my focus there, and went through level one and two of Hypnotherapy courses.

However, I wasn’t in the best position in life to be able to quit nursing all together. I practiced some with friends, and friends of friends. I brought hypnotherapy into my nursing when I could. 

In 2020 I decided to go for my dreams once again, knowing I had to get out of nursing. I had some major pushes, and pulls from the universe that it was the right time. I attended classes again, and attained my board certification. 

Then started my own Hypnotherapy practice. 

As we go through anything new, we grow as we go. I quickly realized I wanted to offer more, along with hypnotherapy for my clients, and decided to take an “Integrative, Healing Arts Practitioner” diploma course. There were options on which to focus my learning, one was more spiritual guide/coach and I went in that direction. 

A few of the classes with in this course:

Angels and Guides

Intuitive Guidance 

Spiritual traditions

Mysticism and universal laws

Prayer therapy and mindful meditation

Creating ceremony and sacred space

Ministerial duties and homiletics

Death Dying and hospice 

Developing your spiritual gifts 

Spirit directed coaching 

Transpersonal Psychology

Among others focused on business, coaching and other holistic modalities. 

I have been learning so much, and doing very well (so-far) loving it all. I know this was the right decision. I am in my mid/late 50’s as some of you know. I am unsure at this moment where all of this fits in within HypnoBreakthrough. I know some self hypnosis, prayer and meditation (and time) will bring clarity. 

As of right now (Jan. ‘23) I still have a year left in the course. However we are encouraged to practice or offer what we have learned to clients. 

Also, at this time, something else happened that feels like a gift, or a meaningful “sign”. I found out that I have been ordained since 2011 as a non-denominational minister by the Universal Life Church. I barely remember, however I do have a couple ideas as to why I went through that process at that time. 

In my course I thoroughly enjoyed creating ceremonies for renewal of vows, baby blessing, and an end of life ceremony (non denominational, not tied to any particular religion) 

I thoroughly believe in the power of Hypnotherapy. I love how transformative it can be for so many. (check the testimonials page) My bigger than life “Dream Big” dream, is a healing center with other practitioners, and healing gardens on the property, with a labyrinth, water feature, and gazebo as well. As of right now I’m completely virtual, which definitely has it’s advantages for myself as well as my clients. The Holistic Healing center would have some virtual, with most on site.

“The possibility of the dream gives strength.” -Lailah Gifty Akita

“My goal is to show young women and girls that our voices and ideas matter, and you are never too young to dream big!” -Marsai Martin (never to young, or too old)

I’m very excited for what the future holds, and I’m so honored to have you on this journey with me. I do fully trust the universe that what is meant to be will. I also know that every single thing started as an idea. Think about Disney, Rythmia life advancement center, SouthWest Institute of Healing Arts, Lego…. The list goes on. It’s true that ideas, thoughts and words have power. I have imagined this clearly, I have details – I know its out there for me and will show up at the perfect timing. However I do know that clarity on HypnoBreakthrough and the ways in which I serve within this practice needs clarity and I also know that it will come.

Thank you for reading. 

Please take care, inside and out. 

Blessings to you all,

Pamela Topjian 

How Are Those Resolutions Doing?

Forget new years resolutions, even goals…. Yes, that’s right.

Think instead about what quality of life means to you. What is a fulfilling life in your mind? What do you not want to go to your grave without having done, or experienced? 

Think about that – contemplate, meditate or journal about it. 

For your journal prompt, you can start with asking yourself ; What are my top 5 (or 3)  priorities in life? Are simple pleasures a part of your list? What’s the top highest priority? 

Then pay attention over the next month, how much time you spend each week within those priorities. You can even make a chart if you like doing that sort of thing. 

Are you living your life to the fullest? Are you fulfilled? Do you know the feeling of living well? What would your life be if you did? 

What are you waiting for? 

Consider the words of ― Eckhart Tolle; The Power Of Now

“It is not uncommon for people to spend their whole life waiting to start living.”

It is said that we only live once, when in reality we only die once. 

Sadly, far too many of us don’t live while we’re alive. Some people spend their whole lives waiting for this… or that. Waiting until they have enough money, or time, or until they have something they think they need, before they can take action on whatever it is they would like to do in their lives. Or something they want to start doing for more peace or balance, or always had an interest in. For some of you, this may be starting a new lifestyle practice, or even spiritual practice. 

Such as, “I’ll start a meditation practice when I can get a good quality meditation cushion and a few books on meditation” 


“I’ll start eating better once I have more money, or the time to find fresh organic produce, or get a good quality ….. Whatever kitchen gadget you think you need to eat healthier. “

We all do this on some level. Big or small. 

Much like waiting for the fruit to be just right on the tree, and it ends up spoiling on the ground, having never been eaten. Having never tasted that sweet fruit because they were waiting for the perfect time. 

Can you think of a time you have put something off, only to wish you had started sooner? When have you put off starting something that you were passionate about, waiting until the timing was just right, only to find the right timing had passed without you realizing it. 

Some people put off parenthood until everything is perfect to bring a child into their lives, while this is a good decision to take seriously, you may end up having a difficult time conceiving as we age as well. 

 “Go For It” as the athletic ads state. Because, the time will pass anyway – you CAN begin even without being in the perfect position, or having all you think you need; be it a physical item or education… start that passion, that practice, that endeavor. Do not let the time pass without at least trying to live your life to the fullest. 

Give yourself grace, you’re not expected to know everything, or be perfect when you start something new. Also know that you are not alone, you can call in your spiritual team, your own spirit guides and/or the god (or goddess) that feels right and true to you, to assist you on this journey.

If you do make some mistakes, (and you will) know that its in the mistakes where valuable lessons are learned. Lessons you cannot learn from a class or course. 

Practice may not make perfect, but it does bring progress. While it’s true that sometimes we really do need something to change in our lives to get to that point we want to be. You can start just changing your mindset, meditating on it, praying about it – journaling about it. Rather than thinking that you can’t until something changes… How about saying to yourself, ‘I  will do what I can now, with what I have where I’m at.’

Once that ball gets rolling, momentum usually picks up and you WILL be living your life to the fullest sooner than if you waited. 

So I ask you…

What do you want to do with your life? I mean, what are you really passionate about? What in life are you putting off? What are YOU waiting for? 

The time is NOW, you CAN live your life to the fullest! Even if you can’t fully start right now, you CAN start the ball rolling towards your dreams, your passions in life, and THAT will help you to feel that you ARE living your life to the fullest, moving in the direction of your passions rather than putting them off. This fosters self-love, and self confidence.

It doesn’t even have to be anything big, maybe you’re passionate about living a calm, simple life. If life has always been loud, chaotic or out of control, living your life to the fullest may mean a routine, predicable, simple life. What can you do today to start? Practice meditation? Make a commitment to yourself to take a walk alone (or with a loved one) once a week. Make a list of priorities and what you’re doing or could be doing. Book a few Hypnotherapy sessions? there’s always something you could do, right now.

What will you do, wait, hope and wish . forget about it or put it in the back of your mind….or start that ball rolling? 

Live your life NOW because the time will pass anyway, and as time passes, so does your life. 

*Consider the meditation suggestion ‘Contemplating our priorities.’ on page 33 of the book, “Being with dying…” by Joan Halifax

Thank you for being here. Please take care, inside and out. Pamela Topjian CHt