What are CAMs, and can they help you?
Complementary is by definition “Combining in such a way as to enhance or emphasize the qualities of each other or another” While Alternative is defined as “ Available as another possibility.” Complementary and alternative medications and treatments are usually put in the category of esoteric, energy, new age or in more slang lingo, “Woo-woo” type of therapies.
Truth is, western medicine is newer on the scene of healing than the more holistic, natural and old world treatments. Many of us are aware of the issues surrounding western medicines and the modern health care system, especially in the US. These issues have led many to seek out another way.
How do you know which is right for you, how do you know what is safe and effective or which may be more harmful than helpful? Your traditional medical doctor will not have this knowledge, without extra education or training than their medical training. However, there are Naturopathic and homeopathic practitioners and Doctors which will have this knowledge and training.
There are many paths to healing. Nothing that is going to be the best for all. We have to take our own health, including mental health, into our own hands, to an extent. However you don’t have to go it alone. You will need to have patience, and diligence if you’re serious about finding what’s best for you. You will have to do some research to find out what is best for you. This may include making an appointment just to interview a few of the practitioners that appeal to you. This includes soul searching. Checking in with yourself, through hypnotherapy, meditation or prayer. A walk or hike, yoga … many different ways to check in with yourself.
Write it out. Writing out what you need and want to get out of your health care, including mental health care. Write down what you like and don’t like about your current or past providers or treatments, medications or modalities. Writing something out is more powerful than it may seem. We think, “Oh I know how I feel, I don’t need to write it out” but you may be surprised at what actually ends up on the paper. I had a client share with me some amazing creative writing, journaling and art after a hypnotherapy session. I love when my clients share with me!
I’m writing this here to share some basic information on complementary and alternative treatments. I may have veered off a bit onto the physical health side, however I fully believe the mind body connection is strong and powerful. A huge part of why I am so passionate about hypnotherapy! We need to start thinking of our mental health care the same as we think of our physical health care. Don’t wait until you have a complete break down or find yourself in a mental health crisis. Physical health and mental health is very much connected, its an ongoing maintenance. Balance is key.

“As within so without, as above so below.” The origin of this saying goes back to ancient times.
I am a nurse as well as hypnotherapist. While I do not practice my nursing, diagnose, or treat as a nurse within my hypnotherapy practice, I cannot help but to let that part of me out once in a while. Please see my article about why I left nursing : http://hypnobreakthrough.com/index.php/2020/10/24/why-i-left-nursing/
In part two I will discuss a little more specifically about a few of the many complementary and alternative medicines, treatments, therapies, and modalities. These will include, but not limited to; Acupuncture, Art therapy, Ayurveda, CBD and Cannabis, Diet/nutrition, Herbal supplements, Meditation, Reiki, Sensory deprivation, Sound therapy.
Please always feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. With anything you would like me to discuss here, or what you thought about this or other articles. I love hearing from you. There is a contact form on the home page, you may send a message through my social media accounts if you’re on there (links also on the home page) or email me directly at Pamela@HypnoBreakthrough.com
Thank you all so very much for being here.
Pamela Topjian CHt
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