Finding Your Own Spiritual Truth through Hypnotherapy.
If you feel lost on your spiritual path, you are not alone. So many people are feeling a pull, a calling, towards something deeper or perhaps higher, something more meaningful and authentic.
Personal spiritual truth is not specifically about religion, religious practices or belief systems, although it can be, for you. Personal spiritual truth is as individual as are people. It can be hard to find anyone to discuss this with. We all come from our own backgrounds, deep rooted beliefs and values. People tend to feel strongly about their personal spiritual beliefs. Many are protective, and sensitive when asked to consider something else, which can make it hard to discuss with an open mind.
If you are unsure of your spiritual path when asking others, you will usually get sort of a ‘sales pitch’ for their religious or spiritual group. I’m not suggesting that there is anything wrong with exploring different religions, churches and spiritual groups. In fact, that’s very good to do on your quest. However, I’m suggesting that you look within yourself to find what is right and true for you.
The true spiritual quest is not somewhere outside of you, it is, in fact, deep within that you will find your own answers. Your subconscious mind is your very own inner knowing. Your authentic self resides there and your own answers can only be found there. What is right and true for you, may not be right and true for another, and that’s perfectly fine. The spiritual path or journey is as individual as it is all connected.

“To thine own self be true” – William Shakespeare
“We are all just walking each other home.” – Ram Dass
“I cannot tell you any spiritual truth that deep within you don’t know already. All I can do is remind you of what you have forgotten” – Eckhart Tolle
Breakthrough Hypnotherapy will help you to dive deep within your own soul space. Helping you to find your own personal truth. It is there for you, waiting for you to just open the door. Are you ready?
Contact me for your free consultation for more information, to get any questions or concerns addressed and help you decide if now is the right time to dig deep within.
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Thank you. Pamela CHt
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