*Share your experience working with Pamela. Help others to know how they may benefit, by submitting a testimonial. You may send it through the contact form on the home page, or email Pamela directly at Pamela@HypnoBreakthrough.com – thank you.
“It’s been two weeks now since I worked with Pamela Topjian on an OCD issue — dermatillomania — skin picking. I’ve suffered from this off and on since I was a teenager, before it even had a name.
Last year the skin picking returned with a vengeance after some triggering events, and I’d been in emotional and physical misery. The problem is not well known at all, so I explained it to Pamela, and it didn’t even faze her. One hypnosis session with her, and it’s gone now. I’m not doing the behavior without realizing it or while I’m sleeping. I barely think about picking now; when I do, I can simply stop and remind myself it’s a non-issue. My skin is starting to heal.
I’m sharing my good result here because if anyone has suffered in this way as I have, I want them to have hope. You may not have told anyone about things this difficult to admit, but if you’re ready to ask, Pamela can help. Thank you for reading.” –TB, Los Angeles

“Pamela has been very helpful in helping me feel calm during our sessions. I struggle with anxiety and her calming voice has helped me find a pathway to peace and happiness” – Paula F.
“I stumbled onto Pamela and her services at a time when I was very ill both physically and emotionally. Her sessions were calming, soothing, and comforting. They helped me build strength in both the areas I was struggling with.
She also provided ‘homework’ follow up techniques to reinforce the work we did in session.
I was able to have my sessions over the phone, which I really appreciated, as I was able to make nice comfortable arrangements in my own space.
Pamela always greeted me in a friendly, interested way. She wanted to understand what was currently happening in my life and body so she could tailor each session to have the most impact. After the session, she also did a nice debrief, which I really liked as through that I learned quite a lot about listening to my body and feeling its reactions both physically and emotionally.
I strongly recommend sessions with Pamela whether you are struggling or doing well. She can help you improve, or help reinforce and continue to build up – whatever you need.”
–Emily M.
“About a week before my first ultra trail marathon, 31.4 miles, Pamela Topjian worked with me with hypnotic instructions.
Previous long runs my heart/lungs limited my running, as did my mental struggles. Only when this race was completely done, and I was in my car on my way home did I realize that for the whole 31.4 miles my heart/lungs never once bothered me, my mind was clear and peaceful.. This hypnotherapy stuff is Awesome!
I look forward to continuing to experience the potential of the mind and body through hypnotherapy. Thanks Pam for helping with this.”
–Brian S.
“I am very grateful for the sessions I have had with Pamela. I come away with greater internal peace and mental calmness than I had beforehand. And have experienced a lessening of my addictive urges.”
–Jeff B.

“Its super simple, all you need is about 15-30 minutes to take out of your day and she will call you on the phone! Find a comfy place to relax and she does the rest.
If you have been struggling at all, like I have, please reach out to her. She does a fantastic job and is always professional. She can even do different types of therapy for you based on what you’re feeling or would like to work on!
I have felt so much better since doing these sessions with her! I wanted to share how amazing she is!”
–Brooke B.
“I had my first session with Pamela Today and it was Amazing. I tend to be more on the “wound tight” side and it takes a lot for me to relax. Within minutes of our session beginning, I could feel my body relaxing, I honestly cannot remember the last time I was in such a deep state of relaxation. About 30 minutes after my session, I had contact with a person that normally brings me tremendous stress – however, I had a sense of calmness about me that was undeniable. I cannot wait to work with Pamela again to explore other areas I need to work on . Thank you Pamela!”
–Stacey F.
Update from Stacey…..
“From the beginning Pamela put me at ease. I feel safe and comfortable with her knowing that my well-being is her top priority. Because of the stay-at-home orders, our sessions have been over the phone, but sessions via zoom are also available. Hypnotherapy can address a wide variety of issues you may be struggling with, and I personally highly recommend hypnotherapy and Pamela. I also have another friend who has been utilizing her services to help him quit smoking. We have both been quite happy and benefited from the results.” -Stacey F. update
“I contacted Pamela after experiencing on-going anxiety during the pandemic period. I wanted to reduce stress levels, lessen reluctance to bike longer periods of time and learn to be more adventurous during this challenging time. After 2 sessions, I did the longest bike trip to date my anxiety level was reduced significantly. I experience making more plans to do longer bike trips, and more importantly seeing and actually taking action to do more activities outside the home. I recommend Pamela and her sessions to develop more optimism in life!”
-Joy Y.
“I haven’t had a cigarette since we had my (Hypnotherapy) session! I’m very determined this time that I will not pick them back up, and so far it has been an easy fight! I think the hypnotherapy has given me that added strength! It’s funny but I see myself walking around in a white cloud almost all the time” – Terry E.
“The hypnotherapy sessions were well suited for my needs and I was impressed by Pamela’s flexibility and effectiveness around any internal needs that I expressed. This is a simple yet an impactful way to experience meaningful change and I highly recommend it for anyone!” -A.G.
“I’m very happy that Pamela offers a session a month for medical professionals. The sessions help so much with the stressful busy life in the medical field. The words that she speaks during the session make me feel less stressed, relaxed and I feel more at peace with myself. After a long busy day I get a chance to focus on myself and heal in the process.” – Lyndsey (Medical Technician)

“Ten years in recovery and I was still raging. After working with Pam, I have not had a rage in 18months, even though that was not what we were working on” – Lisa G.
“The following day after a session, I would wake up with energy – something I don’t normally do. As time went on, I would notice that I did not fear tackling things I would normally shy away from. I had a real sense of confidence and calm. I also was able to pinpoint exactly what my fear is…..being in a situation, relationship or job I do not feel I can escape easily. Is it a control issue?… I’m not sure. But I do feel more confident and maybe that’s the first step to healing” –Suzanne P.

“After working with Pamela I found myself more aware of the choices I was making, especially those that I was at odds with, making it much easier to choose differently. If I happened to not choose differently the judgment that often follows that was significantly mitigated.” –Martin G.
“I recently gave hypnotherapy a shot and I wish I had done it a long time ago. I’ve found it to be very beneficial. Imagine feeling like you’ve just taken a week off to reflect, take a personal inventory, and relax and feel refreshed and clear headed and ready for life. That’s how I felt after just one session. Literally. Tears ran down my face as it was wrapping up. Not bad tears. Tears of relief and realization like a huuuuuge weight lifting off of me.” – Alicia K.
“Since this was my first experience with hypnotherapy, I didn’t know what to expect; however, Pamela made me feel completely at ease and comfortable before and during our sessions. I have never felt more peaceful and relaxed during each session, and once I came out of each session. I experienced physical, mental, and emotional sensations throughout my body that I wasn’t anticipating, all in a positive way! I usually don’t relax easily, so I can honestly say I can’t remember the last time I was in such a deep state of tranquility. With that said, I could feel my body and mind going into a state of complete bliss and restfulness.
It felt wonderful each week, after nothing but stress, to have a chance to focus only on myself to heal and decompress – a time just for me to relax. I look forward to more sessions with Pamela, as her calming presence is both grounding and revitalizing. I highly recommend Pamela as the results she provides are amazing!” –Caryn B.
“I reached out to Pamela for hypnotherapy services after realizing I’ve been feeling stuck for years. Her voice is so soothing, I was more relaxed than ever before in my 60 years of life! But I was still aware of what was said. I was able to go deep into my subconscious to ask my inner guidance to guide me, to show me clearly what I need to know. I saw my own spirit guides or ancestors, they greeted me with an ancient scroll.
The scroll opened… and the message was clear ‘Love yourself more’ Thank you Pamela” -M.T.
“I had 2 sessions with Pamela and what I found is a few days after and weeks after I found myself more focused from within allowing myself to just Be. I feel more in touch with things that bring me peace like nature. When it comes to all the outside static and fear of what the future of the world is I am able to turn it off and surrender and let it be. I am not sure how Pamela does it but somehow she has helped me connect with myself and worry less.” –T.E.