Hi, my name is Pamela Topjian. Thanks for stopping by.
Nice to meet you! My calling in life is as a nurturer, a healer and helper. Offering a safe space to assist you on your journey to overall well being, and a better quality of life. Free from judgment, for all individuals without bias.
Throughout my life I have cared for and assisted in healing in many capacities. Whether by individual babysitting starting at age 12, to a nanny for premature infant twins, day care provider while raising my own children, volunteering with shelter animals, petstitting, midwife apprentice, to nursing, and now Certified hypnotherapist. I am in my element and thrive while helping, caring and assisting others.
My Personal Journey: I have lived through my own traumatic life experiences. I am here to give hope to those who have been through, or are going through trauma. I can say with sincerity, ‘yes I’ve been there. I understand and It can get better!’ It’s such an amazing feeling once you start to see the light at the end of the tunnel, to begin to breakthrough the darkness, to know you don’t have to live in that emotional pain for the rest of your life.
I’ve written my own memoir available on Amazon “I Didn’t Come This Far To Only Come THIS Far”

Nursing: Since 2007 I have been a practicing Licensed nurse. Having had the honor to work in a variety of nursing roles. Including, but not limited to, psychiatric children’s hospital, Charge nurse on an Alzheimer’s unit, pediatric home health nursing, hospice care, and with patients in detox and recovery. In 2020 Pamela Retired from nursing to focus on Hypnotherapy and the healing arts full time.
Holistic Health: While searching for a more natural, and holistic way to serve, I took a holistic health course in 2010, where I was introduced to Hypnotherapy. I found my passion. I was blown away by the power of Hypnotherapy, and began my journey to certification with the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners. *You will find more about my education below.
Balance: To keep myself balanced and grounded, I practice meditation daily, enjoy painting and hiking.
TWOLA: Breakthrough Hypnotherapy is honored to be a part of the Find Help tool on the Suicide prevention TWLOHA (to write love on her arms) website for reduced cost phone sessions.
(Any other non-profit mental health organizations, please feel free to reach out, I’d love to help if I can.)
Mission Statement: My primary mission is to assist my clients on the path of deep healing. To have my clients not only feeling better after each session, but also to make life long positive changes. My belief is that we are all connected; and therefore as we seek to offer assistance in healing, and as we heal within ourselves , we are helping to heal the world through the ripple/butterfly effect.
I seek to assist others to find peace and healing within themselves, in a holistic, healthy manner. Nobody needs to stay stuck in life or in pain, I am living proof it can get better. This is my purpose, I am committed to my clients!
As a CHt (Certified Hypnotherapist) and member of American Council of Hypnotist Examiners, I pledge my support to the professional standing of Hypnotherapists. I agree to conduct my practice and all professional interactions in strict accordance with the code of ethics as defined, now or in the future, by the ACHE rules and regulations.
Hypnotherapy Education: Pamela Topjian completed Hypnotherapy Levels 1 and 2 at the South West Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA) in Tempe, Arizona. She went on to Certified Hypnotherapist training at the California School of Hypnotherapy (CASOH) in Sacramento. This included, at least two hundred (200) hours of instruction from ACHE approved hypnotism school that is licensed by their State Board of Education. The Hypnotherapist must also pass the ACHE written and practical skills exam, including but not limited to at least 100 hours of technique utilization with the public. Pamela Topjian is proud to be awarded with the CHt certification by the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners. The certification is updated every two years with continuing education units required.
Other courses and certifications:
Pamela is currently enrolled in the IHAP (Integrative, Healing Arts Practitioner) diploma program with SWIHA Southwest Institute of healing arts.
Other past training and certifications with:
Inner Child healing practitioner training certification course with Pellen and Palmer. Hypnosis For Spiritual Awakening & Healers with Past Lives from Past Life Awaking Institute with founder Creator Mark Beal. Level one life coaching course with Southwest institute of Healing arts. Level One Reiki practitioner with Blissful Careers.
Pamela received her Practical Nursing Degree for License in Nursing from Northern Michigan University (NMU) in 2007.
Contact me: You may reach Pamela through direct email Pamela@HypnoBreakthrough.com or Telegram app @PamelaTopjian or use the contact form on the home page. You will also find all social media links for “HypnoBreakthrough” on the home page.